Chapter Three

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Jonathan Taylor sat in the driver seat of his car, half empty beer in his hand, three more laying on the dash board. He let a drawn out sigh escape his lips as his drunken gaze rested on the street before him. He took another swig of the foul drink then threw the bottle out his open window. The glass shattered spewing liquid everywhere. A chuckle filled the car at the sound. He grabbed another empty bottle and threw it out watching as it crashed to the ground with a resounding crack as the pieces once again shattered on the faded asphalt.

Muttering nonsense under his beer-ridden breath, he held the last bottle in his hand and stared at it for a minute. Stepping out of his car he chucked the bottle as hard as he could at an old abandoned home, it hit the rotten wood of the porch with a crash that seemed to hang in the air.

He yelled to the wind as loud as his lungs would let him. "Take that, you overbearing, good for nothing-" he stopped just short of an eardrum-breaking scream when he looked to his left. Before him stood a young girl no more than nine years old. "What do you want!" He yelled at the child. He looked away expecting the girl to run but as he turned to open his door again she stood just five feet away at the hood of his faded blue Taurus. He stared at the girl as she looked back up at him with wonder.

"You got a problem, kid?" He snapped. Carefully, she extended her small hand to him.

"I want to show you something." Jonathan scoffed and yanked open his car door. "It won't take long. Please?" The little girl begged, blonde locks glinting in the setting sun.

"Go home, kid! I don't wanna see nothin'!" He yelled stumbling into his car and starting the engine. She gave him a cold glare as he backed up and turned around running over the sidewalk as he attempted a U-turn.

He looked in his rear view mirror and saw her standing in the middle of the road.

"I said; I want to show you something." A small voice came from the backseat. Jonathan quickly spun around in his seat to meet the black, shinning orbs of the girls eyes. A shrill laugh broke through the air, Jonathan covered his ears as he tried to shout over the girl.

"I'm not listening!" She sang in a tantalizing, bone-chilling voice. Her pearl white teeth turned yellow and her porcelain skin cracked. Crumbling ashes fell to the floorboard as she pulled a silver dagger out of her stockings.

June 1, 6:00pm

She was nearly halfway home when her phone had vibrated in her pocket making her jump oddly in the middle of the side walk. Checking her surroundings she had pulled out the beat up phone and answered it. A deep but young voice responded, she smiled recognizing it to be Sam Winchester.

"I didn't think you'd actually call." She mused. A chuckle on the other end.

"Well you never answered my question and I'd really like to know."

"A lot of odd questions for simple travelers don't you think?" She could practically hear him shrug as he quietly chuckled again.

"Maybe I'm not just a simple traveler as I said before." She shook her short, red hair as she continued forward to her house.

"We barely know each other and you're already lying to me?" A laugh. "A bit cynical don't you think?"

"Well, okay, that's part of the truth. I'll tell you the rest if you'll meet up with my brother and I?" She had stopped in the sidewalk and looked her left then told him to meet her on the edge of Fourth and Seminole. Which took them to where they sat now; underneath a large weeping willow tree in the middle of a vast, luscious yard behind an old mansion.

"I'm guessing you come here often?" Dean asked sitting down in the bright green grass. Sam joined him.

"I actually found it only two weeks ago." She cleared her throat then sat down at the base of the tree. "So, you want to know what this 'ghost' looked like, eh?"

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