Chapter Two: June 1, 2:45pm

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The Impala pulled into the parking lot of the only open restaurant in the whole town; Billy's Diner. Dean stared at the somewhat shabby building and stepped into the diner behind Sam.

"It's not too bad here..." Sam whispered noticing the slight uncomfortable look on Dean's face.

"Well... It's not a ghost town."

"Is that the only thing you can say about this place?"

"Yeah, pretty much." He said quickly as a young girl with black hair approached them. Dean smiled. "Now that's a nice sight." He said staring the girl. Sam elbowed him in the gut.

"Hello! Welcome to Billy's Diner. Just two in your party?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you." Sam said politely. She grinned.

"I'm twenty-two, no need to call me ma'am." She said with a wink and led them to a booth. "My name is Jack. I'll be your server. Can I interest you boys in a drink?"

"I'll take a beer." Dean said.

"Same here."

"Alright, I'll be right back." She smiled and turned around.

"How can such a shabby town be five miles out of LA?" Dean muttered. An elderly lady walked past him-apparently she heard what he had said-and smacked the back of his head as she muttered something under her breath. She shuffled away and out the door as Sam broke out laughing.

"I'm sorry guys," the waitress said setting down the drinks. "you'll have to forgive her, she's lived here all her life-kinda sensitive to what 'outsiders' say." She used outsiders lightly hoping not to offend.

"It's okay, my brother here just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut." The men exchanged a glance as Sam smirked holding back a chuckle. Jack laughed and tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear.

"Is there anything I can get you to eat?"

"Not me, I'm good right now."

"I'll take a cheese burger." Dean said with a smile.

"One cheese burger coming right up!" She said turning around. "Oh, and welcome to town. I promise the locals are much nicer than old Granny Fay."

"Oh if they're anything like you, sweetheart, I have no doubt." Jack blushed and turned into the kitchen.

"Do you have to do that everywhere we go?" Sam asked looking up from his beer.

"Do what," Dean tried to ask innocently. He shook his head and scoffed.

"I guess so..."

"Here you go." The waitress returned. "One, hot, cheese burger." She placed the sandwich down in front of Dean.

"Mm, now that is what I'm talking about. Thank you!" He took a rather large bite from the burger and signaled a thumbs up. "Delicious."

"Right... Anyway, Jack was it?" Sam asked.

"Yes, sir." She smiled.

"You mind if I ask you a few quick questions about the town?" The girl raised and eyebrow and shrugged.

"I don't see why not,"

"Have there been any... Odd things happening recently in town?"

"Odd as in..."

"Well... Strange electrical problems... Uh, cattle dying, odd deaths." Jack put her nicely tanned hand on her hips.

"Why are you wanting to know?"

"My brother and I are journalists. We like to write about the places we visit, we find it more interesting to get the old history of the town, see what we can learn about it. Just purely... Academic." He said with the cutest smile Jack had ever seen.

"Academic, hm? Somehow I find that hard to believe-but yes, some odd things have been happening. In fact February one of the locals was killed, officials are still trying to determine what killed him but the eye witness said she saw a ghost."

"A ghost?" Sam looked at his brother interested, but he was too occupied with his burger to look up from it. He turned his attention back to Jack. "I assume it was just the shock getting to her,"

Jack nodded. "Her family, in fact, sent her to a mental hospital for two weeks. She was going on about it and it began scaring her family."

"She back now?" Dean asked, mouth full of his last bite.

"Yeah, though she's never been the same after it. And if you plan on asking more questions I wouldn't ask her. The simplest of things can trigger, not only was this ghost getting to her but finding that poor man all mangled really put her on edge."

"Is there a record of this town being haunted in the past?" Jack laughed.

"Haunted? That I don't know. I'm sure you could find out in the library. But I doubt it... I mean ghosts aren't real." Dean scoffed and Jack glanced at him curiously.

"I don't necessarily think that's true... And something gives me the feeling you don't either."

"Oh? And what makes you so sure?" Sam shrugged.

"Just a feeling." Jack smiled and gave in.

"You're right. But I don't necessarily believe in them, more of... I think it's possible."

"What gives you that feeling?" Dean asked curiously.

"Nothing is impossible... A lot of things are just difficult or hard to wrap your head around. If you go about your life believing so many things to be impossible you're closing off your mind to the many wonders and possibilities out there."

"That is the best way I have heard anyone put it." Sam said amazed. "Even my dad couldn't have said it like that..." He mumbled to himself unaware Jack could hear it.

"Right well, enjoy your stay here." Dean pulled out his wallet but Jack held up her hands. "No need. It's on the house." She said with a kind smile then went about her other duties.

"Oh wait, Jack, I have just one more question." She turned around, a damp towel in hand.

"Better do it quick, I've got to get back to my other customers."

"Right, I'll be quick," He took a couple steps forward as he spoke, lowering his voice just a bit. "The girl who saw the ghost... Did she say what exactly this ghost thing looked like?" Jack leaned away and looked back and forth between the bothers, a small smirk forming on her glossed lips.

"You know, why don't I meet up with you two after my shift?" Sam looked back at Dean who only shrugged.

"Uh, yeah sure. We'll be staying at the hotel just up the road." He pointed behind him signaling the direction they would be heading. Jack pulled a pen from her apron and took Sam's hand.

"This isn't a date, just so you know." She said, scribbling her number on the palm of his large hand. "The number is just to call me when you'd like to meet."

"Have a boyfriend?" Sam asked playing along.

"Nope, but I got a little brother who would beat the living day lights outta you." Sam laughed and looked at the number.

"There's, uh... There's a heart next to it..." He noted, slightly blushing. She shrugged and picked up her towel again, turning around she wiped down the bar.

"I get off at five," She said, keeping her eyes focused on the bar in front of her. The bell at the top of the door chimed as the brothers left the diner. She snuck a look out the window and quirked her eyebrow at the Impala.

"Little brother doesn't have to know I just gave my number to a couple fine looking strangers..." She whispered to herself a grin forming on her lips.

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