Chapter Nine

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June 14, Michael Jeremy Dennis's funeral, 9:00am

She had watched as his casket was carefully placed into the earth, a bundle of vibrant red roses laying peacefully on the top. She had watched as they shoveled the earth back into the hole and she had watched while the placed the tombstone into the ground. Now, sitting in the grass, she watched as a light sprinkle of rain dotted the grey stone. No talking, no wishing for him to come back, just sitting.

"You think we should get her?" Sam asked. He and Dean sat on the hood of the car watching Jack from a distance as she stared at the grave. "She's been there for an hour, Dean."

"I know...but I don't know what to do man,"

"You think we went too far this time?"

"What do you mean?"

"This girl's brother died on our clock and he didn't even want to be here. It's our fault he's dead and she's sitting over there thinking it's hers."

"Don't do that to yourself, Sammy, we didn't kill Mike that psychotic freak did...and thanks to Jack, Alice and the Hatter are dead and gone."

"I know...but I still can't help but think we overstepped some unseen boundary this time. This girl narrowly survived Yellow Eyes like you and me, her brother probably had demon blood in him and now every bit of family she had is gone." Sam shook his head. "I know her parents weren't our fault but since she was seven she's been tied to us in ways we don't even understand. I guess I feel like we're responsible for her...and Mike."

"I feel the same way, Sammy..." Dean confessed.

"Sometimes, I've found that screaming helps." Jack tore away from her foggy daze to meet the familiar eyes of Castiel. He stood behind the tombstone, trench coat blowing in a chill breeze.

"You've lost someone before?" He looked over his shoulder the Winchesters and Jack followed his gaze.

"I have." He sat down next to her in the dewy grass, legs crossed, eyes squinted.

"Are you really an angel?"

"I am."

"Do you know where he is? Michael?" He took in a deep breath and gazed at the headstone.

"He's safe,"

"That's all you can say isn't it?" He shook his head.

"I'm afraid so." Cas paused then leaned into Jack. "But I do have a message from him."

"You do?"

"Έχω αγαπήσει στο σημείο της τρέλας αυτό που ονομάζεται τρέλα το οποίο για μένα είναι ο μόνος λογικός τρόπος για να αγαπήσει." She smiled.

"I have loved to the point of madness, that which is called madness, that which to me is the only sensible way to love." She repeated. "I used to say that to him when we were in the orphanage. He was always feeling sad about why no one adopted us...he thought maybe no body loved us. I told him that to remind him that no matter what happened, whether we got adopted or not, I would always love him."

"And that's all he needed. Don't fret over this, child. I know how he died was unpleasant to watch but he's better now...he also wanted to say that now, he can really watch over you." Jack looked back at Sam and Dean.

"You should go with them," he said reading her mind. "what you saw a few days ago was just the tip of the ice burg...but seeing as how you have no where to go now, it seems like the best option."

"I've been wanting to go with them but I never could figure out a way to ask." Cas smiled.

"Just tell them to take you on an adventure, they can't refuse that." She laughed lightly and leaned back on her hands, eyes again focused on the carved letters of the tombstone.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You may."

She hesitated briefly. "Did you know that Michael was going to die?" Cas caught her eye. "Why did you bring up my parents? so he could know before he died?" He was silent. "I heard your voice, I heard it in my head. You said to keep my brother close because for everything there is a time and place." He remained quiet. "So did you know?"

"Everything works out for a reason and for the better. Granted half the time it's never seen as 'better' at first, but it will be...soon." She held his icy-blue gaze. "Yes, I did know."

Jack leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, my angel." She whispered.

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