Part 1: Haunted

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Ziva's POV
I woke up in a dark and cold room. When my vision cleared, I could see it wasn't even a room, it was like a storage with something that reminded of bars. I sat up on the bed or mattress. I had something around my hand-wrist, I have no idea what it's. I tried to take it off but every time, I got a gentle electric shock. I stood up and walked up to the bars or whatever you could call it. I couldn't see much, it all was dark, but it seemed to be more storages. I had no memory how I got there. I figured I must been drugged or something, but how and when? I sat down on the bed again, thinking. Trying to remember. It couldn't had happened out in public, so it must been happening in my apartment or any other place that wasn't surrounded by people. It was then I remember or think I had figured it out. I had ordered pizza on the way home from work, I picked it up and drove home to eat. There must had been something on the pizza that drugged me, and then my kidnapper followed me home, waiting long enough to the drugs to affect. Then the kidnapper must had got inside and brought me to here, wherever I am. I neither knew how long I had been here, but longer I had been here, Gibbs and the team would have notice I was gone and go looking for me. So it didn't worry me, I knew Gibbs would find me sooner or later, he always do. I just have to stay alive until he do.

Tony's POV
"Hello? Hello..?" I said, taking a grip at the bars. I waited to see a silhouette or hear a noise, but why would I? It's completely dark, I told myself. I sighed and turned around. Hopeless, I thought and walked back to the mattress. I sat down and thought. I had no idea how long time I had been here or how I got here. I tried to re-play my memories, but most parts were dizzy or black. Those parts I did remember, didn't make sense for me. I mean James Bond, what do he has to do with all this, I thought. But why did it surprise me, I knew myself too well, I could always connect things to movies. Maybe all this is a dream, I thought, and when I wake up again, I will be in my apartment, in my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to fall back to sleep. Minutes past by, and I couldn't seem to fall asleep. My head spun around, re-playing weird things that didn't make sense. I sat up, and once again sighed and rubbed my temple. I closed my eyes again and tried to focus on flashbacks I saw. I looked down at the popcorn in my lap, I started to feel dizzy and my vision got blurry. Then I got a shot of the movie theatre and James Bond. Then my memory brought me to the hallway, where someone helped me out from the movie theatre, and there was lot of noise around me. I opened my eyes again and tried to connect the dots. I got the full picture of what happened, I was at the movie theatre, watching the new James Bond movie. I ate popcorn then started to feel dizzy and my vision got blurry, then someone helped me out, surrounded with people around me so it had to be when the movie had ended, I told myself.

McGee's POV
I sat at my writing maschine, and wrote as I sipped on my morning coffee. I heard a noise coming from my bedroom and saw Abby walked out. I smiled. "Morning," I said. "Thank you for letting me stay at yours, Tim." Abby said. "Of course, Abs. Anything for you and you know that." I said and stood up. We got some breakfast then I changed clothes into something more proper to wear. I sat down on the couch, waiting for Abby to finish. I saw how minutes past by and thought I would come late to work. "We will be late Abby," I yelled. "I'm soon done, don't worry." Abby yelled back and slipped her tank top over her head. A couple of minutes later, she came out from the bedroom, dressed like she normally did. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes." She said with a smile. We got into my car and I drove to ncis. We got into separate elevators, she going down and I going up. As the elevator dinged, the doors opened and I walked out. I was late, but the squad room was empty, which surprised me. No Ziva or Tony. I put my things down as Gibbs entered the room. "Where's David and DiNozzo?" He asked. "I don't know." I said. "Well don't just stand there, call them McGee" Gibbs said. So I did, but no respond on either of them. "They don't answer." I said, a little worried. "Do your thing..." He said. "You mean tracking their phones?" I said. "Yeah that." He said and I slightly smiled and started to track their phones. "Uhm boss, both their phones are turned off. Ziva's last signal was in her apartment 21:34 last night, and Tony's was at... the movie theatre 23:17." I said, even more nervous now. "Something is not right." I said. "You think McGee!" He said.

Ziva's POV
I sat on the mattress, staring out in the dark. The door opened and I looked suspicions at it. Seconds later, a voice said "follow the light". I stood up and walked to the door, I saw the light in the ceiling. Before stepping out of my cell, or what it was, I looked into the others. What I saw in the other storage or cell, scared me. "Follow the light" the voice once again said. I ignored the voice and looked again. What I saw, was a dead body or more the skeleton of one. "Please follow the light," the voice said a third time. "I heard you the first time," I muttered and made my way out, following the light. I walked past six more storages, but I didn't look in. The light stopped at a T junction and then the voice spoke up again. "In the bag you will find what you need. Do what it stands or you will find out what happens to you." The voice gave me shivers. I bent down, opening the bag on the cement floor. In the bag, I found clothes, and not any clothes, my own clothes. A tank top, a pair of cargo pants and a jacket. What do this mean? I thought and looked deeper down. I found a knife, a flashlight and a rope. Then a paper, rolled together with a band around. I looked if I could find anything else, but it was everything. I rolled out the paper and read the message. You are not alone. Someone, is haunting you, wanting you dead. You have to find it and kill it before it kills you. Follow my instructions and leads, or you will be punished and you will end up like the others. Remember, this is just the beginning, there's no way out, until you have won.

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