Part 2: Haunted

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Tony's POV
A voice told me to follow the light, so I did. I stood up and walked out of the open door. The light stopped at a corner. In the corner there was a bag. I looked at it and the voice said, "in the bag you will find what you need. Do what it stands or you will find out what happens to you". I looked around, the whole situation felt weird. I bent down and opened the bag. In the bag I found clothes, clothes that seemed to be mine. Which I couldn't understand how it was possible, if I was taken at the movie theatre. It was a pair of jeans, my ohio t-shirt and a jacket. I didn't understand why the person had brought me clothes, my clothes. I continue to look in the bag, and I found a gun, a flashlight and a robe. To least, I found a phone and that surprised me. "Lock up the phone," the mystery voice said. I locked up the phone and I saw a video on the screen. "Press on play," the voice spoke. I pressed on play and text came onto the screen. You are not alone. Someone, is haunting you, wanting you dead. You have to find it and kill it before it kills you. Follow my instructions and leads, or you will be punished and you will end up like the others. Remember, this is just the beginning, there's no way out, until you have won. That message gave me shivers, this whole place did. There was a certain part of sentence that caught my attention, you will end up like the others. I wondered what it meant, I had understood that I wasn't alone, but had here been people before me and they all are dead or what happened to them? I suppose it's the part I will find out, I thought. I was about to dial Gibbs as that voice spoke up again. "Your first instruction are to drop the phone and crush it with your foot, hard." I ignored the voice and started to dial his number. I felt a electric shock go through my body and I dropped the phone. I breathed hard and muttered for myself. I picked up the phone again and seconds later, another shock went through my body. I figured it came from the thing, sitting around my hand-wrist. I sighed and stood up, I crushed the phone with my foot as the voice told me to. I looked down, there was no chance I would ever get it to work.

Ziva's POV
I held the note in my hand and stared at in, reading it over and over again. What do this mean? Why not just kill me immediately? I thought. I needed to change clothes, I was only in a tank top and jogging pants. But where? I don't want to change here. I felt like I'm being watched, even though I don't see any cameras, but it's the only logical explanation, how would the voice otherwise repeat. I grabbed my clothes and walked some steps back where it was darker. I changed clothes, and removed my ponytail, and walked back to the bag, putting my other clothes down. I secured the knife at my waist, put the rope down in the bag and closed it. Then I grabbed the flashlight and put the bag over my shoulder. I turned the flashlight on and walked back where I came from. Three of the other cells where open, nothing in them, but you could easily see someone had been there. The two cells that were left, scared me most. In one of them, it was the skelton I saw when I left my cell. In the other one, were a body. I would guess she had been dead for a month, at least. What is this for place? I asked myself. I just want to get out from here, I hope Gibbs finds me real soon. This place gives me shivers, and not only because it's cold. I looked into my cell, tried to see if there was something useful, but no. I walked back to the T junction and looked at my options to go, I choosed to go to right. I had no idea which way that led me out of here, and it just got me more confusing with each step I took. There was doors, more junctions and how would I know where the way out are. I felt for a moment, I'm just getting myself lost, and maybe I should walk back and stay in my cell.

Tony's POV
I sighed and put the things back into the bag. Then I realized, I maybe should change clothes. My suit, is comfortable but I don't think it's proper to this, whatever I'm gonna do. Besides, if I get out of here, I don't want to have destroyed my favorite suit. I changed clothes and put my suit in the bag and closed it. I put it over my shoulder and put the gun at my back, under the jacket. I began to walk, leaving my cell behind me. As I walked, I found more cells. I turned the flashlight on and shined in. I jumped back as I saw what it was, a dead body or a skelton of one. I think I got the part now, I said and continued to walk. I looked into the other cells but there was only dust in them, which was a relief. Whatever you could call the place, it was big, and I had got lost. I has walked to left and right so many times that I don't remember where I came from. I would guess this place is an old one and abandoned. I leaned against the wall, I was tired, hungry and thirsty. I wondered if this person would give me anything or if I have to find food and water by myself. I knew a person can only manage three days without water, and half a day have already past by. I slide down against the wall and sat down on the floor.

Gibbs's POV
I knew I maybe was a little harsh on McGee. But he says such a stupid question, then he can except a stupid answer back. After calming myself down and gathered my thoughts, I walked back to the squad room. "We keep this for ourselves until we got know more. That means even to keep Abby our from the loop. Is that understood?" I said. "Why?" He asked, looking up at me. "Because Abby worries too much and I don't want her to worry or fear the worst." I said and McGee nodded. "You will go to the movie theatre, asking if they have seen DiNozzo and maybe if you can find anything. I will go to Ziva's apartment and look there. There must be something that cam give us a lead." I said. "Alright." He said and grabbed his jacket and bag. I headed to the elevator with McGee and we went different ways to our cars. I speed away to Ziva's place. I walked upstairs, I felt on the handle and it was unlocked. I grabbed my gun and held it tight in my hands as I entered her apartment. Nothing, I thought and put the gun down. I looked around in her apartment, I couldn't find anything suspiciously. I did find, a photo of her and me. I smiled. She is really like a daughter to me. I found lot of photos actually, I had not been in her apartment before. Another photo was of her and Abby, probably that McGee have taken. Another one was of Tony and her, looking really happy. Then it was her, Tali and Ari in one. And all of us, when we had a small undercover op. I couldn't help than smiling. I walked into the living room and looked. The pizza box, catched my eye. I opened it and saw there was a slice left, I took the box with me and headed back to ncis.

Ziva's POV
I had been walking for hours now, or at least what it felt like. I was really thirsty, hungry aswell but thirsty. I had been walking around and not finding a way out, it sometimes felt like I was walking around at same area. I thought about the message, you are not alone. Someone, is haunting you, wanting you dead. If someone is haunting me, why haven't it found me and killed me? I didn't understand what the point of this. I opened the door, for all the doors I have opened and closed, this was the first one who had stairs. I walked upstairs, the door slammed and bats flew out over me. I screamed and continue to walk upstairs, followed what it led me. It followed me to another door and I opened it. I was out!

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