Part 7: Haunted

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Ziva's POV
".... that I like you. I like you a lot. And it feels-" I said but Tony cupped my face and kissed me. I smiled. When we pulled back, I slight blushed. "It feels so right when we kiss." I said. "But I don't get it. You said just partners." I said. "You said just partners and I repeated it. I don't know why I did. I guess I was just suprised. I love you Ziva." He said and reached for my hand. I smiled. "I want you to know, I really want this. No matter what Gibbs say. I don't want to hide my feelings for you. I love you." I said. "I want this, I want us. More than anything." He said. I leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I kissed him back then pulled apart. He smiled as he caressed my cheek. "You and me, Ziva." He whispered as I captured his lips between mines. He put his arm around me and my head resting on his chest as we continued to watch tv. I yawned and sat up. "I think we should get you in bed." He said and looked at me. I looked at him and shook my head. "You know what I meant." He said. He stood up and took our dish away. I made my way into the bedroom. Tony came some minute later. He turned off the light and wrapped his arms around me. "Good night," he whispered and kissed my cheek. "Good night."

The following day, I woke up with Tony playing with my hair. I smiled and opened my eyes. "Morning," I said and rolled over. "Good morning" he replied. I leaned closer and kissed him. We kissed for a minute then got up. "Damn we are late." I said. He chuckled. "Gibbs texted me yesterday. We could come when we had woke up." He said and wrapped his arms around me. "You could had told me." I pouted. He began to tickle me and I squirmed. "Stop it," I said laughing. "Tony!" I said. He smiled and stopped. "You are such a pain in the ass." I said and punch him. I changed clothes and made a quick braid on myself. We ate some breakfast then headed to ncis.

Tony's POV
I switched off the elevator and said, "should we tell him?" "Not now, tonight at his place." She replied and gave me a quick kiss before I switching the elevator back on. We entered the squad room and Ziva said happily "good morning". "Good morning guys," McGee responded. "How are you two?" Gibbs asked. "We are fine," she said amd Gibbs looked at me. "She is pretty ok." I said and she glared at me. "Have you done the interrogation with him?" I asked. "Yes. He wanted a lawyer..." Gibbs said. "I want you two to fill out reports. Then we can fill you in on the case." He filled in. Ziva sighed. I began to fill out my statement then handed it in to Gibbs. I handed mine in around thirty minutes later and waited for Ziva to be done with hers. She stood up and gave hers to Gibbs. Finally, I thought. "Fill us in." I said, eager. "Ezra Morgan. 19 years old. Parents dead. Grandparents in Chicago." McGee said. "We found 2 dead bodies, recently killed. Gunshot and knife." Gibbs said and looked at us. "That is in our reports." Both of us said. "We found further 5 dead bodies. How long they have been dead, we don't know. Ducky is doing the autopsy right now." Gibbs continued. "Seems like he has been doing this for quite a while." Ziva said. I looked at her and met her gaze. "What now?" I asked. "Waiting on the lawyer. You two can watch but nothing more." He said. "But-" Ziva said. "No butts. I will with Ducky." He said and walked away. She sighed angry. "Breath Zeevah." I said playfully. "Shut up Tony. We both know we can be to a huge help." She said. "But we are too close, rule 10." I said. She rolled her eyes at me. "I will be down at Abby." She said. "You want company?" I asked.

Ziva's POV
"No," I replied and pressed at the elevator buttom. I entered Abby's lab and it was totally quiet. "Abby? Where's the music?" I asked. "Ziva? Ziva!" She yelled and ran up to me. She squeezed me. "Can't breath..." I said. She smiled and let go. "Why no music?" I asked. "I didn't know if you were okay. Tim told me you was at the hospital. I didn't know if you were dead or alive. I-" She said very quickly. "I'm fine, we are fine." I said, interrupting her. She hugged me again and I smiled. "I missed you." I whispered. "We should celebrate." She said, smiling. "What?" I said confused. "At Gibbs's tonight. Celebrating you two are back and Gibbs sending that bastard to jail." She said. "Ok... You tell Gibbs." I said, unsure. "Of course. He can't say no to me. Tell Tony and Tim. I will get Gibbs and Ducky." She said. "Now go. I have to find something before Gibbs comes." She said. I nodded and headed up to the squad room. "We are having some sort of celebration at Gibbs's tonight. You must come, Abby's order." I said and sat down behind my desk. "Do Gibbs know about this?" McGee asked. I shook my head as my computer dinged. 'What about our secret?' Tony wrote. 'We will solve that.' I wrote back. Then the elevator dinged and all of us looked up. A man in the fifty's in suit with brown hair walked out. "I'm looking for my client," he said. "Ezra Morgan?" McGee asked. "I will call Gibbs," I said and dialed his number. "The lawyer is here, Gibbs." I said. "I will be there in 5. Say to McGee he takes him to the interrogation." He said and hung up. "Gibbs would be here in 5, you should take him to interrogation." I said to McGee. "This way Mr...?" He said. "Larry Torres." He said with a slight smile. McGee led the way to the interrogation and me and Tony followed.

Tony's POV
"Ziva wait," I said and grabbed her arm. She turned around. "What?" She asked with a smile. I pulled her around the corner. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She said. "You seemed upset with Gibbs." I said. "I am. We can get him to confess!" She hissed. I shook my head and cupped her face. Our lips sealed and she smiled. We pulled apart some seconds later. "We should-" she said. "Yeah." I said, interrupting her. We walked to the observation room. "Where did you go?" McGee asked. "I needed to go to the bathroom, and you know Tony.." Ziva said and rolled her eyes at me. McGee nodded and I smiled. "How's the boss man doing?" I asked. "Good, Abby had found some proof. He is gonna confess." He said. And he did. He confessed it all and his lawyer got furious at him. Gibbs walked out and we met him in the hallway. "Go home. Job is done." He said. "Uhm Abby told you about..?" I said. "Yes!" He muttered and walked away. We walked back to the squad room and grabbed our things. Me and Ziva headed to the elevator and I drove us back to her place. "When should we be at Gibbs's?" I asked. "7pm. So a little earlier if we want to talk to him alone." She said. I wrapped my arms around her and she giggled. "I miss doing this all day." I whispered and kissed her cheek. She smiled at me. "You want something to eat? It's still 1,5 hour until we should be at Gibbs." I said. "Sure. But I'm not sure there is a lot in my fridge." She said. I walked in to her kitchen and opened her fridge. I shook my head. "What about a sandwich?" I joked. She came out and sneaked up behind me. "I told you I hadn't much." She said. "Then why don't we go out?" I said. "Sure." She said and kissed me. We grabbed our jackets and headed down to a cafe. We sat there for almost an hour before we walked back to her place and changed clothes. Then we made our way to Gibbs's.

"You ready?" She asked and intertwined our fingers together. "I guess," I said and leaned closer to her. We kissed then left the car. "Gibbs," Ziva yelled. No answer. We walked down in to his basement and found him working on his boat. "You are early." He said. "We know," she said. "Spill it out." He said and sat down on something. She looked at me. "We are together," I said. Gibbs sighed. "You mad?" Ziva asked. "No. I knew it would happen one day." He responded. She smiled and kissed me. "You better hope love conquers all, DiNozzo." He said and we pulled apart smiling. Then Abby walked downstairs. "You are early." She said. "Can you help me Ziva?" She asked. She nodded and walked away with Abby. "Thank you Gibbs." I said. We walked upstairs and helped the girls to get ready. McGee and Ducky had come aswell. We walked outside in his garden where Abby had made it cozy. We grilled food and marshmallows, talked and laughed until late that evening.

This is the end of this story. I hope you guys liked it. Much love 😘

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