Authors note

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Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or the show!

This story came to me on Halloween, I first thought of making it to a one shot, but figured it would be a really long one then. It won't be a really long story I think, maybe 5-10 chapters. But I hope you will enjoy it. Ideas and stuff I have gotten from the hunger games, also pretty little liars and then from an editgame I was in, a long time ago. Be prepared, 👻 and of course there will be love 💗

In the beginning I will update once a week. Depending on how much I have to do in school, it will be more often. 😊

Credit for this cover picture, goes to Caitlin (@ncisfan01), instagram @sailingwithcaptainswan. Thank you again 😘

Summary: What happens when two members of the team goes missing? When they realize, it's not a game, their life is on stake. They are being haunted and given requests to kill. Will they survive, or who will survive? The agents will fear and fight for their lives.

The first part will be up in an hour!

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