Part 5: Haunted

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McGee's POV
I typed on my keyboard as Gibbs walked into the squad room, with a cup coffee in his hand, of course. "You got something?" He asked. "Nothing new. The movie theatre gave me a list of everyone who had buyed tickets to James Bond. But it's to look for a needle in a haystack." I said with a sigh. "Noone on that list are having a criminal record." I filled in. "We need to find new angles to look at it." Gibbs said. I gave a nod. "But go home for the day. Abby is a mess and need your comfort. She is imagine the worst." He said. "You sure?" I asked. "Yes, go. Take care of my girl." He said with a slight smile. I grabbed my things and headed down to her lab. As I entered her lab, it was quiet and no Abby in sight. I walked in and found her sitting on the floor, hugging Bert. She looked up at me, her eyes red from crying. I sat down beside her and hugged her. "Thanks Tim," she sobbed. "Come on, let's get you home." I said and pulled her up. Gibbs was right, she was a mess. We need to find Tony and Ziva fast so we can get our Abby back, I hated to see her like this.

Tony's POV
I had to admitt, her idea was smart but crazy. She could burn herself! "Your turn," she said and looked at me. I sighed and put my hand over the fire. I held it there for a couple of minutes, long enough for it to melt so we could pull it off. "See, not a scratch nor nothing painful." She said with a weak smile. "Yeah, you right." I said, with a smile. "But we better get moving. He has our location and are probably on our way here now." I filled in. "True. He's probably pissed at us." She said. I killed the fire and grabbed our things. I helped her up. "Can you walk?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. I looked at her and could see the pain in her. "I'm carrying you. You take our bags and you jump onto my back." I said. "What no, that is crazy Tony. You will hurt your back!" She hissed. "I don't care. We could either stand here and argue, waiting for him to get here or you could do what I say." I said and looked at her. She muttered something in Hebrew and jumped onto my back, and I started to walk. We walked for at least 30 minutes. "We don't need to walk any longer," she said softly. "Okay," I breathed. I let her down gently and helped her to sit down. "You okay?" I asked and sat down beside her. The sun finally started to rise. "I am fine, Tony." She said with a smile. "The truth Ziva." I said and looked at her. "What do you wanna hear? It hurts, okay? But I'm fine." She said. "Okay then." I said softly. She leaned against me and I wrapped one arm around her. "I'm freezing," she said to me. "You want me to start a fire?" I asked. "No it's okay. It will be warmer soon," she said. I turned around and opened the bag, I took out my coat and put it around her. She smiled, "thank you" she said. I looked back at her with a smile. "Would it be wrong if I said, I would want to kiss you?" I asked, looking straight into her eyes. "No," she responded. I leaned closer and cupped her face with one hand, and kissed her. She smiled onto the kiss. I pulled back after some seconds and smiled. I saw her cheeks getting light red and smiled even bigger. "So?" She asked. "I think we should come up with a plan." I said to make this situation less awkward than it already was. "Yeah, great idea." She said with a small laugh. "What's your plan?" She said. "Yeah... well I don't have one." I said and bumped her gently. She giggled and looked at me.

Ziva's POV
"Ok, what are our chances to find a way out from here? The area is big. And there are electric fence around." I said. "Yeah," he said. "You are not really helping," I said with a smile and bumped into him this time. "Heeey," he whined but had a huge smile on his face. "Concentrate." I said, trying to be seriously as I looked at him. "How do we contact Gibbs?" I asked. "We need to find where our kindapper lair is." He said and I nodded. "How?" I asked. "Maybe following him? But then we need to get back quickly." He replied. "We make a trap and trick him there. Then we following him back. The only question are, do he leaves his lair?" I said. "Good questions. Maybe we would try to find his lair and trick him out, while he's out, we sneak in." He said. "Ok, any idea where it can be?" I asked. "Probably down in that place somewhere." He replied. "We should get moving," I said and slowly stood up. "Hey, slow down. No hurry." He said. "If we get to the place and sees him walking in, we will confirm his liar is down there." I said. "You are so stubborn," he mumbled. "Would say same about you." I said and limped away. He walked up beside me and wrapped his arm around me to help me walk. Surprisingly, it didn't take so long to gey to the door. We stopped behind a big tree that hopefully hide both of us. We waited for a couple of minutes, that seemed to be longer than it was. Then we heard noises. I grabbed my knife by reflex and Tony his gun. We stood prepared for anything. Then a person walked past us. I couldn't see his face or hers, the person wore a hoodie. The person opened the door and walked in. Tony sneaked up and opened the door just a little, to be able to see where the person went. He came back seconds later. "You got it?" I asked. "I think, but not sure." He said. "Ok, what's your plan, mr Bond?" I said, joking. "We make a fire, a big one." He said and walked farther away. I followed him. We walked some minutes away and he tried to make a fire. He managed to get a little fire. We got it bigger and it spread by itself. We walked back and downstairs. Tony led the way. "It should be this door." He whispered. We walked around the corner and waited for our kidnapper to notice the fire. We waited for some minutes. If he won't notice the fire, we could die, I thought. 'Damn' I heard and then the door opened and he ran out. Tony looked at me, smiling. We walked in and closed the door behind us. "Now what?" I asked, looking for a phone. Tony looked around, trying to come up with a plan. "Found his cell," I said, turning around to him. "Great, I got a plan." He said. "You will hide in there. When he gets back, I will run out and he will run after me. Gibbs and McGee will be here right in time." He said. I opened my mouth to talk but he cut me off. "You are staying here. You are hurt. No butts." He said and I glared at him. "What if, he kills you?" I said, worried. "He won't. Gibbs will be here. Get in there and contact Gibbs." He said and closed the door. I dialed his number and only some seconds later, he answered. "Gibbs." He said. "It's me, Ziva. You need to trace this call and get here as fast as you can." I said. 'Trace the call McGee!' I heard him say. "You ok Ziva? Tony with you?" He asked. "We are...." I said as I heard the door opened. "Ziva..?" He said. "How is it going?" I heard him say to McGee. Then I heard Tony's voice and footsteps, seconds later the door slammed. "We are ok. You need to hurry. Tony his haunted by the kidnapper." I said as I heard McGee scream 'got it'! "We are on our way Ziva, stay with me." Gibbs said.

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