Part 6: Haunted

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I've been in Egypt for a week so had totally forgot about it. Only one more chapter to go! 🙊 Merry Christmas 🎅🏼🎁

Gibbs's POV
I sat at my desk as my phone rang. When I heard her voice and knowing that they were ok, I was so relieved. I grabbed my jacket and headed to the elevator with McGee right behind. I still had Ziva on the phone. We got into the car and I hit the gas pedal. "You still there Ziver?" I asked and put her on speaker. "Yes," she replied. "Talk to me McGee!" I said, looking at him. "Right, sorry. Take to left here." He said and I made a sharp turn. McGee gave me instructions where to drive. It didn't take long until we got to a nature area. I hit the stop pedal as McGee screamed "fence"! I looked at the 10 meters high fence and sighed. "Hold on," I said to McGee as I speeded away, driving right through the fence, almlst driving into a tree. McGee screamed with closed eyes and I heard Ziva calling on us. "We are ok Ziva." I breathed and McGee got quiet. "Find Tony!" She said and we got out from the car. "Shhh" I whispered to him. I heard noises, but couldn't place where it come from. We continued to walk until I saw Tony. He was running towards us. "NCIS drop the gun!" I shouted and jumped out behind the tree. Tony smiled and breathed heavily. "Hands where we can see them." McGee said. "Nice seing you two again," Tony said. The kidnapper dropped the gun and I walked up to handcuff. I pulled the hoodie down and found a young boy. "Where's Ziva?" I asked. "She need medical help." Tony replied. "Call an ambulance McGee." I said and dragged the boy into the car.

Tony's POV
"I will get Ziva," I said and turned around to walk back. I walked fast because I knew we had ran good distance. It took a little over 10 minutes to find the place. I walked downstairs and opened the door. As I opened the door, I was close to death. "Oh god, Ziva!" I yelled. "I thought it was the kidnapper!" She hissed and put down her knife. "I told you to stay in there." I said. "I did." She said. "Ok, never mind. You alright?" I asked. "Yes, are you?" She replied. "I'm fine. Come on, let's get you home." I said and wrapped my arm around her body. We walked out from this wicked place for the last time. "You still have the phone?" I asked and she nodded. I called Gibbs as we walked. "Get McGee to trace my call and walk to us." I said. "On it," Gibbs just said and hung up. We continued to walk and after a couple of minutes, Gibbs met us. "You okay Ziver?" He asked and slipped an arm around her. "I'm fine." She said. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. We got to the car pretty fast now when we were two helping her. "An ambulance? Really?" She said and sighed. "I just said you needed medical help." I said in defense. "I didn't know how bad you were hurt and this looks pretty bad for me. So no butts." Gibbs said. We left her at the ambulance and let the paramedics help her. "What happened?" Gibbs asked. "I'm not sure. I think he is a psychopath. We think he thought all of this is some sort of game. Most important is to get this place searched. We think here can be more people, at least dead once." I said. "I will get a team on it. You take Ziva home when she is done. We will handle this." He said. "Ok boss." I said and turned around to the ambulance. "Hey, wait, stop." I yelled at the paramedics. "Where you going?" I asked. "She need to get to the hospital. We think her wound is infected and she is having fever." The man said. "Can I follow?" I asked. He nodded and opened the door. "Hey," I said with a smile. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm fine." She said. "Stop lying. The paramedic told me your wound is infected and that you are burning up." I told and gave her a guilty look, and put my hand against her forehead. "You two are like a married couple." The paramedic said. I looked up. "Shayna Lawrence." She said and reached her hand towards me. I smiled. "Special agent Tony DiNozzo." I said and shook her hand. "We are-" I started off. "Just partners." Ziva interrupted. I looked at her with a slight smile. "Yeah, just partners." I said and looked at Shayna. I felt Ziva looking at me so I looked at her. I wasn't sure what her look was trying to tell me. We slowed down and stopped. Shayna stood up and opened the doors. They brought Ziva out and I followed them. They brought her into a room where they left her, waiting for a doctor. I grabbed a chair and sat down beside the bed.

Ziva's POV
I looked at him. "What's on your mind?" He asked and intertwined our hands together. "Nothing." I said softly. "Thought I had told you to stop lying," he replied. I rolled my eyes. "Us." I then said. Then the door opened and the doctor walked in. I could feel Tony staring at me and I knew he was confused of what I said. "Hello Ms David. I'm doctor James Duncan. I talked to the paramedics and they told me you had infection in your wound, also fever. So I will start by looking on your wound." He said. I nodded. After 20 minutes, he had stitched up my wound and other things. "If your fever hasn't gone away within five days, you come back. Otherwise you come back after a week to take away the stitches." He said. I smiled and said thank you. Me and Tony walked out from the hospital, where a cab already stood waiting on us. "What did you mean earlier?" He asked. "Not now, Tony." I said. He nodded and looked out through the window. The cab pulled up at my apartment. I stepped out and looked at Tony. "You coming?" I asked. "I though you wanted to be alone." He said and payed the driver. We walked upstairs and I unlocked my door. It felt weird to be home after everything. "I just remembered, you maybe want to have some other clothes? I only have a t-shirt from you." I said. "I will call McGee." I said, smiling. "Where is my phone?" I asked myself. "Use mine." I said, laughing. I grabbed mine on the table but it was dead. I put it on charge. "I'm gonna take a shower." I said and walked into the bathroom. Jumped into the shower and let hot water run down on my body. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. Walked into my bedroom and slipped on underwears, a tank top and jogging pants. I dried my hair then walked out. Tony entered my apartment. "I'm gonna get a shower aswell." He said and went into the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen and opened fridge. I was starving and probably Tony too. I grabbed some things and began to cook. I did an omelette with mushroom sauce. "What you doing?" Tony asked, sneaking up behind me. "Omelette. Thought you may be hungry, I'm starving." I said with a slight smile. I grabbed two plates and put the omelette on them. I poured up some sauce then grabbed two glasses. "What do you want to drink?" I asked. "Whatever you have." He replied. "Coke?" I asked and he nodded. We walked out to the couch and turned on the tv. We ate under silence and watched tv. "I suppose you want to know what I meant." I said and looked at him. He first looked confused but then got it. "Thought you didn't-" he said. "Not in a cab." I interrupted. "Oh." He said. "The truth is...." I started off.

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