Part 3: Haunted

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Tony's POV
I heard a noise, like a door slamming and then a scream. I stood up and grabbed my gun. I walked to where I think the noise came from, kinda hard because it echoed. I opened the doors and shine in with the flashlight, but nothing. I continued to walk and opened the next door. Bats flew out and I bent down to avoid them. "I hate bats!" I muttered to myself and walked upstairs. The door slammed, and I jumped a little. After the stairs, there was a door or some sort of door, I opened it and saw the light. My eyes fluttered. I stepped out and let the door slam. I was out, free! I looked around, I was surrounded by a forest. I turned around as I saw arrow moving, quickly, towards me. I ducked, and started to run. Another arrow was shot towards me, I hidden me behind a tree and breathed. I grabbed my gun and sneaked out, looking for the shooter. But I couldn't see anyone. I turned back around, leaning up against the tree and breathed for some seconds. I began to walk.

Ziva's POV
The door slammed and by reflex I turned around. It looked like I was in an underground place. I turned back around, I was surrounded by trees and bushes. I looked around, trying to see some way out, like trails from a truck. But nothing. I started to walk fast. I wanted to get out from here before someone would notice I was out, maybe they are already on their way. I moved quickly far away from the place. After a while, I got the gut, the Gibbs's gut, that someone was following me. I slowed down and held my hand on the knife. I stopped behind a tree and sneaked my head out, looking for someone. But noone was there. I let my grip off my knife and continued to walk. After a couple more minutes of walking, I came up to a fence. A 10 meters high fence. I sighed. I knew it wouldn't be easy to climb over this one. I put my hands on the fence to began to climb, as I got an electric shock through me. I fell down on the ground and bit my lip to not scream. I sat up and my head pounded. Of course, electric fence. I heard a noise behind me and quickly grabbed my knife and turned around. All I could see was a little bird, walking around. I'm getting insane, I told myself. I put my knife down and looked around. I can't get pass the fence so the only way out, is to walk back.

Abby's POV
McGee entered my lab and had a weird look on his face. "Where's the music?" He asked. "Do you really think I would listen on music when Tony and Ziva is missing?" I said, loudly and upset. I don't know what I was most upset about, the fact that Gibbs and McGee didn't tell me or that I didn't notice by myself they were missing. "The fact that we don't even know if they are alive!" I said. "Okay, Abs." McGee said, pulling me into a hug. "I know you are upset and angry, sad and emotional, that we didn't tell you. I wanted to tell you, trust me, but Gibbs said no. But now I need you to tell me if you found anything on the pizza Gibbs brought you." He said, calmly. I looked at him before turning around to my computer. "I did find the substance of sleeping pills over the pizza slice." I said and looked at him. "So if Gibbs ate this one, he would fall asleep?" He said. "Yeah eventually. The slice included the amount for one pill. Ziva ate five slices by herself in a short time. That means she took five pills and they affected quickly. That amount of pills, isn't good." I said. "It's even worse if she drank alchol." I filled in. "What could happen if she did?" He asked. "You don't wanna know the answer to that." I said. He embraced me a tight hug. "Look, we will find them. They are fine. Don't lose your hope. We will find them Abs." He said. I slight smiled. He pulled away from me. "Take Bert and hug him." He said and grabbed Bert to me. "Thank you Tim." I said and hugged Bert. I smiled. "I will be back." He said and kissed my cheek.

Ziva's POV
The sun was on its way down and it began to be dark. It was getting colder aswell. It hadn't been so cold yet, but in the middle of November, it was only a question until it would start freezing on the nights. I was really hungry and tired. I sat leant against a tree. I knew I couldn't stay here because then I would freeze to death. I needed to keep moving and keeping myself warm. But I had no strenght. My eyes fluttered trying to keep them opened. I heard something. Immediately my hand on the knife, looking around. I used the flashlight. I found an arrow to the tree next to me. I turned around, looking for the person who shot it. Then I turned back to the arrow, where a little note was. You're dead. It stood on it. In that moment, another arrow was fired at me. I threw myself down on the ground. I grabbed the flashlight and got up. I started to run. I heard footsteps coming after me. I hid myself behind a tree and turned the flashlight off. "If you want to survive, you kill her. Stop running and kill her. She will kill you, more exact torture you and then eat you. Kill her and you will get a reward." A voice said. The mystery and creepy voice was back. The question was how. Then it hit me, the thing around my hand-wrist. I heard footsteps coming closer. I took a deep breath and held my knife tight. I knew the voice was right, she would kill me if I didn't kill her. I picked something up on the ground and threw it. She walked past me. I was about to threw my knife at her, as I felt something sharp go into my thigh. I groaned and heard her come closer. I gathered myself together and held the knife in my hand and I threw it at her. I grabbed my flashlight and switched it on. My knife had hit her in her chest and she was bleeding out quickly. I looked away for a minute, letting her die. It felt terrible wrong. I leant against a tree and looked down. I had an arrow in my thigh and I was bleeding. I knew I needed to pull it out and stop the bleeding. I slowly sat down against the tree. I counted to three and took a deep breath before pulling the arrow out. It started to bleed even more. I opened my bag and pulled out my tank top. I tear it apart and tied it around my wound. Then, I slowly stood up and put my bag over my shoulder. I walked up to her and looked at her. My first thought was that she wasn't old. I pulled out my knife from her and put it back at my waist. I heard the voice again. "Walk back. There will be a bag with a bottle of water and food waiting for you. You will find it next to the door. Walk to east." It said. It got me thinking. I looked at the thing around my wrist. It must have some tracker in it and a camera somehow. That means, I'm not free and this is some sort of crazy game. I began to slowly walk. My leg hurted and I needed to stop every minute. I found a long twig. I grabbed it and took it to help as I walked. I stopped as I heard a noise. This time, it wasn't a bird. I switched off my flashlight and waited. A saw another light. The light become closer and suddenly turned off. I held my twig in my hands and swung it at the person. The person fought back and tackled me down. My flashlight fell and switched itself on. I gasped.

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