Part 4: Haunted

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Tony's POV
"Ziva? Ziva! Ziva?" I said in shock. "Tony?" She said, breathing out. "Ziva..." I said once again. I climbed off her and looked at her. I saw her looking white, and seconds later she passed out. My heart beated twice as fast. I found her pulse and relaxed a little. "Ziva... Ziva?" I said, slapping her cheek gently. After a minute or two, she gasped for air and her eyes opened. I sighed relieved. She sat up and leant against me. "What happened?" I asked, putting my arm around her. It was then I noticed her wound on her thigh. "Ziva, what happened?" I said once again. "A girl shot me with an arrow." She said. "Where is she now?" I said. "She's dead. I... killed.. her." She said. "I watched her die." She filled in. "Hey, you had to kill her. She would have killed you." I said, trying to calm her. "We could had work it out." She sobbed. "The person told me to kill her. He would give me a reward." She said, crying onto my shoulder. "Shhh. It's okay Ziva. I'm sure you did her a favor by killing her, she must been here much longer than us." I said. "What was the reward?" I asked. "Food and a bottle of water. It would be at the door." She said. "Can you walk?" I said. "If you help me." She replied. I helped her up and she put her arm over my shoulders. We walked for a couple of minutes then we saw the door. "A bag as the voice told me." She breathed. "Ok, you wait here. I will get it." I said and left her against a tree. I walked towards the door that I once escaped from. As I was about to bent down and grab the bag, the voice spoke up. "Do what I say or you will be punished." It said. I stopped to listen. "Kill her. Put a bullet right through her head." The voice said. I looked back at her to make sure she was ok. I grabbed the bag and the voice spoke up again, "do it!" I ignored it. "Tony, I think I someone is coming." She said, worried, and I turned around. I saw a someone come up behind her. "Tony!!" She screamed as the person dragged her away. I dropped the bag and grabbed my gun, running up to them. "Let her go or I shoot." I said, pointing my gun. The person let her go. Ziva fell on the ground and the person kicked her in the side. I fired my gun, twice. The person fell backwards, dead. "Ziva!" I said. "Are you alright?" I asked worried. She gave a gentle nod. I walked up to the person and saw him dead. I turned back around and helped her up. "Come on, I'm not leaving you this time." I said. "It wasn't your fault." Ziva breathed. "Yes it was." I said as we walked towards the bag. I bent down and put it over my shoulder. "I think we should go back in." I said, looking at her. "I'm not going back in there again. In there, the person can control us even more. And I saw, dead bodies there. I don't want to end up like them." She said. "Ziva, you are already freezing." I said.

Ziva's POV
"Tony, I'm not going back there. This is some crazy game and the person behind this, has a bigger chance to control us in there." I said. "How do you know?" He asked. "I will explain that later. But right now I want to get away from here. There must be a way out somewhere." I said. He nodded and helped me to walk. Once and then we stopped so I could rest. We walked for a while, then Tony decided that we would stop. "I will see if I can make a fire so we get up some heat." He said. I smiled and stayed where I was. He came back a minute later and began to make a fire. As he had gotten a small fire, he sat down beside me. "We should see what's in the bag." I said and opened it. A bottle of water as the voice had said, and four sandwiches. I gave Tony one and put one in my lap, the other two I put back in the bag. We ate under silence. Both of us was starving. I opened the bottle and took a gulp. "We should clean your wound." He said. "No, it's fine. We need the water." I said. "Ziva, it can be affected." He said and gave me a look. "Fine," I sighed. He undid my tank top around my thigh. "This doesn't look good." He said and poured some water over it. "Ahhh." I said. "Sorry." He said and looked at me. He opened his bag and pulled out his suit. "No Tony, I know that is your favorite suit." I said. "And you are my favorite person." He said and I smiled. He tear it apart and tied it around my thigh. "Thank you," I said and leaned against him. He put his arms around me. "Tell me about this, how you think it's a game." He said. "Haven't you notice it?" I asked. "No then I wouldn't ask," he joked. "I didn't realize it was a game until I killed that girl. We are not alone here and I think the creep behind this, gives us all leads and requests." I said. "I woke up in some sort or cell and suddenly the door opened and the voice spoke. I didn't do as the voice told me, so it kept repeating until I followed the light. Already there, it got me thinking, this thing on our hand-wrists must have some tracker in it. Because how would it otherwise know I didn't move?" I said and he opened his mouth to speak. "I'm not done." I said with a smile. "When the girl shot an arrow at me, I started to run. I hid behind a tree and then the voice spoke up again. It told me to kill her if I wanted to survive, and I would get a reward. After I had killed her, the voice spoke to me. That means, in that thing, there must be a camera aswell. The person can't have put up cameras all around this forest, it's impossible. This thing, must has a tracker, microphone and camera in it. And I think, this person thinks this is all a game. I got a message when I got my bag. The last sentence was; remember, this is just the beginning, there's no way out, until you have won." We both said on same time. "He kidnaps people and put them here, and plays with them until they die, when someone die, he takes in new ones." I said. "This sounds pretty logical when you say it. I got that message aswell. I mean I got instructions and when I didn't do it, I got an electric shock. Like when I was about to pick up the bag, the voice told me to kill you or I would be punished. I ignored and that man came up and dragged you away. This is all staged and a game to him." He said. "We need to find a way to get this off without getting electic shocked." I said. I looked at the fire. Then it hit me. "I got it." I said and pulled away from him. "What about we try to melt it?" I said and put my hand over the fire. "Are you crazy? You will burn yourself!" He said, trying to get my to stop. "Do you have a better solution? We have to try." I said and started to sweat. My hand and arm felt the heat and it started to hurt. "Ziva," Tony said. "It's fine, it's working. I just need to keep it here a little bit longer." I said. I held my hand over the fire another minute then took it away. "Do you have anything sharp?" I asked. He got a stick and put it between my skin and it. He pulled it off and I was free.

Omg I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday. I totally forget, I was in my own world yesterday. Hope you like it 😘

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