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"Your eyes are gold..." she said fearfully.

Then I felt a great force overcome over me and I looked up at her and the last thing I said before I transformed was "Run!!!"


Ava's P.O.V.

I didn't even look back as I ran across the border back into my territory. I kept running until I got tired, so I stopped. Then I heard a rustling in the bushes, and I was already in my hunting stance. When the creature stepped out I saw that it was my best friend Adriana, who was obviously looking for me because when she saw me she smiled. Then her smile quickly turned into a concerned look as she asked me "What's wrong?"

"My mate tried to hurt me," I said, tears starting to form in my eyes. She let a small growl escape from her mouth as she asked me, "Where is he?" Then I told her not to hurt him because it wasn't his fault. Then she relaxed and said, "Let's go tell your father what happened"

Logan's P.O.V.

I felt this great force overcome me with great strength that I could not fight it off, so on the end, I had to succumb to it. It started hurting all over my body and started stretching my bones unnaturally. When I finally opened my eyes, I looked down and saw my fur was a pitch black color, I could feel that my eyes were still gold. I started running, not knowing where I was going and then stopped......Then I suddenly realized that I was in the center of my pack territory. Niall walked out and said, "Hey Lo... Whoa, why is your wolf feel a lot different?" I let a small growl escape my mouth, letting him know that he insulted my newly found wolf. Then suddenly I could feel something prodding me in the back of my head. I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper to the ground, my eyes slowly closing.....

I woke up in a room with nothing but a single window and many shelves and realized that this was the Alpha's tent. The Luna walked in suddenly with a relaxed expression letting me know that whatever just happened was bad...

"How are you feeling, Logan?" she asked

"My head hurts," I groaned quickly shutting my eyes. Then I heard the Luna say something and pour a fluid down my throat. I opened my eyes feeling a lot better, hesitated and then asked "What happened?" She went on to tell me that the spirit had found me and that I had been possessed by it. And in the process, I had shut everybody out of my mind, including my mate. My eyes grew big on the word mate...How could this wolf take over my mind and shut out my own mate?

"I...Is she okay?" I asked.

"I don't know, can you feel her in your mind?" the Luna asked. I shut my eyes and searched her out, but could not find her. "No..." I said opening my eyes again.

"Then tell her you are okay by connecting your presence with hers," she said. So I sought her out and this time I found her and said,

" I'm okay, are you? "

"Where are you, Logan? I miss you, I want to see you again..." she said, her wolf whining.

I went on to ask if she could come here to see me and the Luna nodded her head.

"Come meet me in my territory," I said with relief that I could see her again.

Then about 5 minutes later I heard a familiar voice, Ava's calling my name. I answered and soon she was able to find me. She bent down and kissed me, saying she was okay in the process. I broke the kiss and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm so glad you're okay," I whispered smiling.

"What happened?" she asked, clearly concerned. So I told her the whole story, and she asked, "You have no idea why it chose you?"

"Nope, no idea, all I know is that my dad was possessed by it once and that's why he left," I said.
"Do you have any way of controlling it or...." she said scared to go on with her sentence.
"No, I have no way of controlling it either, ugh if only my mom was here she could tell me what to do,"

Ava's P.O.V.

"No, I have no way of controlling it either, ugh if only my mom was here she could tell me what to do," he said a hint of sadness in his voice, his eyes turning a blue
"Hey, listen, I said, lifting his chin up, "we will get through this together, don't you worry..." I kissed him on the lips softly and said, " You know that you can come and talk to my parents to right?" He nodded. Then a boy that looked about Logan's age, walked in through the tent. "Oh am I interrupting anything?" He said with a grin on his face. I shook my head. "Are you all right, Logan?" He asked concerned. My mate looked over with a weak smile on his face and said, "yeah, I'm fine, Niall..oh, I didn't properly introduce you to my mate, did I? Niall, this is Ava, daughter of the alpha of the Half-Moon pack." Then a girl about my age walked in, and Niall introduced me to her. "Well Ava, it's nice to finally get to meet you, this is my mate, Clara from the Full-Moon pack" we looked at each other and I got the slightest clue that I had know her somewhere else, so I decided to ask her. "Do you know Isabella?" I asked. Her eyes brightened at the sound of her name.
"Yes, I actually do know her, why??" She asked smiling. Then I said, "Her and I are very good friends, her dad and my dad were packmates before he even became Alpha. Then she asked me who my dad was and I said Alpha Young. Then she gasped at the name and age told me that all three of our dads were packmates before they all went their separate ways.
"So that's where I know you from," I said, and then I told everyone I had to go and the Luna said that I could stay in one of the guest tents and go back tomorrow. So I told my parents that I would be in my mate's territory till about tomorrow, and Clara led me to a guest tent and said, "Here you go, your guest room for the night. I said thanks and changed into the change of clothes on the rack and went to sleep.

Hey guys,
I hope you guys like the chapter, it is pretty long, but I just had so much inspiration to write this chapter and so, I poured my heart into this chapter... So hope you guys like it.. Comment, vote and share this story plz... This story is getting SO many reads right now!
Luv y'all!

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