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Logan's P.O.V.

I was walking toward the guest tent when I realized that today was Ava's birthday and I was going to wake her up empty-handed. So I went back to the Alpha's tent and told the Luna (which I now consider my own mother) to make me a small necklace out of pearls and an amethyst. So quickly but deftly she made what I wanted and told me, "Now go surprise her and tell her that we will be having a party..." So I left feeling better, I now had something to give her for her birthday. I walked up to her guest tent and peeked in, only to find her fast asleep on the single cot. It was so peaceful to see her sleep. Suddenly she turned and rubbed her eyes signaling that she was awake. She looked at me and got startled, then realizing that it was me she motioned me to come in. I slowly walked in and said "Hey beautiful, happy birthday" She smiled as I came closer and softly kissed her on the lips. She took that opportunity to wrap her hands around my neck and for me to put mine around her waist. Then I pulled away and took my hand to her neck and revealed her birthday present. 

"Oh, Logan it's beautiful thank you," she smiled up at me. Then I told her that we were going to have a party so she should be ready to go. 

Ava's P.O.V. 

I was sitting and admiring the necklace when I realized that I had a party that Zayn invited me to. So I  slipped on a pale blue dress with sequins and flats. I walked out and saw Clara holding a box. 

"Here's a little something from Niall and me, " she said handing me the box. I peeped in and saw a pair of amethyst earrings. I smiled and said thank you. I started walking toward the Luna's tent when I heard 

"SURPRISE!" everyone screamed.  I walked in and saw Logan and my family standing there and Logan welcomed me with open arms. I ran into them and felt a sense of safety and then..... 

Logan's P.O.V. 

I felt my new wolf take me over this time with a greater force and I succumbed to it.  I was shifting when I felt Ava's wolf pull away from me. I growled and and felt my wolf telling me, "Kill her, kill your mate she is nothing to you, kill her and you will feel a great sense of pride" So without thinking, I lunged at Ava but before I reached her, I reached her father and raked my claws across his chest.My wolf was not angry with me instead he made me drink his blood. It tasted sweet on my lips and suddenly made me want more. As soon as I drained him of his blood, I felt something prodding me in the back of my head. 

 I suddenly fell and shifted back into a human. When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was Ava crumpled by her father crying and the Alpha looking at me. The first thing I tried to do was prove my case. But he would not listen, instead, he said, "Logan Javaad Malik you just killed Alpha Snow leader of the Full Moon pack, therefore, killing someone in a higher rank than you. Therefore you are banished forever from the Half Moon pack." I looked at Ava and her eyes met mine; they were a deep blue, she was really upset. All I could do was mouth "I'm sorry " And then without turning back, I ran. I ran past the Alpha's tent of the Full Moon pack and deep into the woods. I wanted to fight off the wolf but before I could it took me over once again and I could feel the power surging through my veins. Then without thinking, I howled.  

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