The Truth

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"Zayn, I have to tell you something...I'm pregnant."

"What? That's amazing...wait who's baby is it?" he said a wave of concern washing him.

"Yours," I said, crying.


Zayn's P.O.V.

"Wait........Slow down, start from the beginning, when did this happen?" I asked trying to comprehend what she just said. She has a baby in her stomach, and it was mine. How did this happen? Then without thinking, I kissed her, hard, her hands traveling to my neck and mine traveling to her ass to lift her, her legs now around my waist. Then she stopped me and said, "I should get back, it's getting late and my mother will get worried if I'm not home by curfew" 

"Wait, you have a curfew?" I asked. 

She nodded, and then continued, "It was implemented right after....the incident" 

"So do you know when you found out?" I asked tentatively. So she recounted the whole story starting from the incident, and how from there she wanted to find out if she was pregnant from that night we had. And when she took the pregnancy test, it turned out to be positive.  Her eyes turned a pretty gold color and she kissed me. 

Wait, then why are you crying, you should be happy.... shouldn't you?" I asked questionably. My eyes turned a light blue color when I realized and then I said, "You're scared aren't you, you're scared that the baby will turn out to be like me...a monster" I said but before I could continue, she looked at me with a scared expression like the one she had when I first transformed. Then the voice was back in my head and before I could stop myself, I crumpled to the ground panting hard, and when I looked up at her, I could see my gold eyes reflected in hers. I was overwhelmed with the voice telling me to kill her, and without thinking I lunged toward my mate and scratched her leg. And then if congratulating me my wolf started to howl inside of me saying "Good job young one you are learning fast..." And then the last thing I saw was black in front of me.   

Ava's P.O.V. 

I can't believe it.

 He said he wouldn't hurt me. 

He killed my father. 

Is he trying to kill me next?

I was lying on the ground with tears streaming down my eyes, thinking about how this child that I am carrying may turn out to be like Logan. Then I tried getting up and I saw Logan, in full human form laying there. He stirred, got up an looked at me with apologetic, sympathetic blue eyes. 

"Oh my god, Ava did I hurt you? I did not mean to I am so sorry.." He trailed off. He looked at me and I realized that I got angry at him and my eyes were really red. I got up and hugged him. "Logan, we'll get through it together, just promise me you will never leave me again." He nodded and put his hand on my stomach. He said, "I won't leave you or the baby." Then he kissed me passionately and his hands traveled down my back and mine up his shirt exploring his abs. Then he stopped and said, "You should probably get back, and I'll see what I can do about getting back to the pack." I kissed him one last time and said I love you and left. 

The next day  

Ava's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with Logan's face still in my head. Is what he said true, will he never leave me again? Then I got a mind link from Clara saying, "Come to the pack border, Alpha Snow wants to talk to you" So I hopped out of bed put on a sweatshirt and yoga pants and ran out of the house. My parents would not mind because they would think that I went out for a run. I ran until I reached the border. I saw three wolves standing there, a white wolf, a gold wolf which I assumed was the alpha and my mate. They shifted and so did I. "Alpha Snow," I said bowing my head. 

"We have decided to let Logan back in the pack on one condition, he has to control the wolf inside of him." said the Alpha, as I lifted my head.  

"What happens if he doesn't?" I asked, scared that my mate would be sent into exile again or worse, die. 

He looked at me and said, "Sit down, I want to tell you a story on how this  first happened..." 

So I sat down and he started,  

"This evil spirit is actually in many wolves. It started back when Isabella's dad, your dad, Logan's dad, and I were just pups. It came unexpectedly and Logan's dad ended up killing the Luna of the pack. So out of grief and anger, the Alpha exiled  Logan 's dad. Later we had wanted to know where he went so, out of secret, we went to go find him. His scent had led us to a dark and eerie place with nothing but a shadow of green eerie light falling through. We finally heard voices coming from the heart of the cave. 

"Do you promise to stay loyal to the Black Wolf Clan for the remainder of your life?" said what sounded like the Alpha of the pack.  

"Yes,"  he said with such confidence that we look at each other with shocked expressions. We knew at that moment we had lost our trusted friend and we did not know when we would see him again.. And after that, I never saw him again."

"Sorry to interrupt," said Logan, "but what are you trying to say?" 

"What I am trying to say is, I think that your dad is trying to influence you...," he trailed off, his face turning white. He turned to us and said, 

"We're being the Black Wolf clan" 

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