Forgive Me?

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Ava's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my baby boy crying in his crib. I looked over at the clock that sat on my bedside table. It said 8:30 am. Time for his feed.

I decided that for the safety of my baby boy, and honestly me, I would stay with my parents for a little bit and then I would leave. And hopefully never come back. My mom walks in and sees me feeding him.

"Hey hon how are you doing? Do you need me to get anything for you?"
I shook my head as I told her, "No I'm fine mom, as of how I'm feeling, that's a different story..." I trailed off as I looked at my little boy.

"He looks exactly like him, doesn't he?" said my mom, who was now sitting on my bed stroking his tiny bald head.

I nodded, tears filling my eyes as I looked at him.
"Now he will never know his father or the kind of person he really was,"

Logan's P.O.V.

I woke up with a horrible headache. Looking around I see complete greenery and no tents, so my pack must have left me here, which only means one thing: I have been banished. There was no way they would have done this without letting me know.  I hear the crunching of leaves behind me and see a big burly wolf standing in front of me. After changing, shifting and morphing, Niall stood in front of me.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked surprised that he knew.
"Hello, we were friends since we were little, what do you mean what the fuck am I doing here? Now what are you doing here, come back the Alpha wants to banish you for real," he said.
So I walked back with him and I couldn't get Ava out of my head. Why did I do what I did, I loved her too much to hurt her I just can't live with myself anymore. 
I soon smell the familiar scent of my pack and I realized I was back into pack territory. I turn to Niall, and ask, "Hey do you think that Ava would forgive me for what I did? Like at all?"

"I'm not going to answer that, I'm going to have you think about what you did..."  Niall answered with a smirk on his face. I gave him a hard stare and asked him the question again.

"Oh... You were serious. Well I mean if I were her, I would not forgive you, but I'm not her am I?" As he said his last word, we stood in front of the Alpha, who had a hard stare on his face.

"Based on the events that transpired over the past month-and-a-half, I think it is safe to say that you should be stripped of your tribe status AND stripped of your werewolf conscious," he said, with a sad smile on his face. He continued, "Logan, your father told me to look after you and I tried my best. I tried to keep him away from you but he knew you better than I did and he got to you before I could help you.  So it is with great regret that I tell you that you are no longer a part of our pack. " As he said the last couple words, I could see a single tear falling down his face.

He held out his hand and I reached for the pack seal that hung around my neck, but before I gave it to him I told him,  "Give me two days if I can get my mate back, that shows that I can keep my inner darkness in check, and I can stay a part of the pack. If not, then you can strip me of my werewolf mark and take the pack seal." I looked at him intensely as I said the last sentence. He looked to the Luna for advice and he got a small curt nod. I let out a sigh of relief as I looked at her to say thank you. Instead of saying anything she smiled a sad smile, and I sensed that she didn't do it for me...She did it for something else.

I looked back over at the Alpha with my head bowed and said,  "Thank you, sir I will not let you down." And then I got up and walked off to find Ava, the beautiful person who carried my son for nine months.

Ava's P.O.V.

I had finished giving my son his feed, but I decided to hold him for a little bit... I was scared of what would happen if I put him down or let go of him. As of today, my baby boy was a full week old. I heard a knock on the door. Half hoping that it would be Zayn, I said, "Come in." As the door opened I saw the beautiful face of  Clara, who smiled when she saw the bundle of joy that I was holding.

"Is this him?" she said, almost screaming. I nodded as I put a finger to my lips.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that he was sleeping," she whispered. I motioned for her to come inside and sit down next to me. She walked into the room closing the door behind her.

"You know you should go out," she said, but as she said that, her face dropped in realization. "Oh, sorry," she said smiling, " I didn't realize that you had a little miracle to look after" Sitting down, she peered over the blanket that I used to cover him and stared at his beautiful face

"Wow, I didn't realize how much he looked like Logan," she said, her eyes turning into a deep blue.

I nodded, saying, "I know, it makes me upset that he will grow up without a father... We talked about it before he was born, he said that he would be there, during his first transformation, and all the other milestones in his life, but now I don't know if I can trust him not to hurt him."

"Speaking of which, don't you want to know how he is doing?" asked Clara, her eyes turning an amusing yellow.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he got banished. He did all these horrible things and your Alpha is still keeping him around, WHY?" I turned, I could feel my eyes turning orange with my natural flecks of gold. I could feel a warm hand on my shoulder and a soft voice saying, "Woah, Ava calm down your super warm and I can feel your wolf is struggling to come out.

When I didn't stop, Clara had to take my baby from my hands, I looked up at her and I could feel myself heating up really fast. What happened next was all a blur, I had NO control over my actions. All I could feel was my wolf taking over and in a matter of moments I was my golden brown wolf but my eyes were orange instead of there dark brown that they usually were. I heard a scream from my son and I told Clara, through mindlink, "Take him away, I don't want him to get hurt." She nodded telling me she understood and left the room. I could feel myself getting angrier, so angry to the point I smashed the glass window and jumped out into the open.

I started to run, I had no idea where I was going. In a matter of moments, my wolf took me to the center of the woods where I first met  Logan. "What am I doing here?"   I asked my wolf. I got a growl in response. " What, it's a legit question, gosh.," I said sarcastically.

All of a sudden I hear a rustle in the bushes. I am in my hunting stance, ready to pounce in a matter of moments. But I don't need to pounce. Or that's what I tell myself;  when I see the person coming out of the bushes.

"Wow he is still as gorgeous as I remember," I say with a whine. My wolf growls and I suddenly realize that we rejected him as our mate. My eyes turned back to their orange/red color.

And I pounced. I had no power or control. He leaped out of the way and I could see it in his eyes, they were filled with sorrow. But I felt no remorse.

Logan's P.O.V.

She pounced. I rolled aside and she just missed my neck. I tried to push my way into her mind but there was a wall blocking anything from entering. I could tell that she was getting tired, her mouth was gaping open, she wasn't as fast as she was at first. I tried to push myself into her mind again. I don't know what it was; the mind tiring or her thinking that it would be rational to hear me out, but she let me in.
Ava, it's me....what's wrong?

You left me, that's what's wrong, you lying SON OF A BITCH!"

I winced. I've never seen her this angry.

Then my heart dropped.

What if it got to her too? What if this is what I got as a consequence?
I had no choice, I transformed my bones lengthening and cracking. Soon enough I could see her eyes through my own blue and gray somber ones.
Then she pounced.....

And so did I.

We met in the middle, paws up like we were dancing. But with a look of wanting to kill each other. As we scratched and clawed at each other's faces she was going in and out of my head, screwing with me.

"What are you talking about, you think I want to do this, leave for three years? I never wanted to do that. I loved you. I still do, I always will. "
"Why else would you leave our son? Because you care?" 

Out of nowhere, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she fell with a thud. 

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