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Ava's P.O.V. 

"Please Ava, please hear me out for five minutes... that's all I'm asking," he pleaded.

I snapped, "NO!" I didn't want to hear whatever it was he wanted to say; whatever he wanted to say he could keep to himself.

"Please all of the stuff that I did, that wasn't me, that was the spirit, or my father trying to influence me, I never wanted to hurt you... Ava, please listen to me!" he was crying now, wanting me to listen to what he had to say. But I had a vague inkling that told me to listen to him, and I kind of wanted to hear what he had to say. 

"Ok, I will listen to what you have to say and then I'll decide whether to take you back," I said with a hard look on my face. He smiled as he held out his hand. I took and automatically realized how safe I felt with him when we were together. When he was lashing out, he was so sweet and I could see the soft gleam of happiness that would show up in his dark brown eyes. He stopped and said, "Let me explain why I left and why I didn't come back." So he started to explain everything, everything that happened and it all started to make sense. 

Why he left. Why he didn't come back. 

He didn't want to hurt the baby. Which reminded me...

"Hey, your son doesn't have a name yet. Do you want to pick a name?" I genuinely asked him, thinking that he should have a say in his son's name. I had to admit, he wanted to be a part of his son's life, even if it was small. 

When I said that, his eyes lit up. "Really, you want me to pick the name, even after what I did to him?" 

I nodded. "I really want our son to get to know his father for what he was; the caring, loving, person who didn't want to hurt anyone." As I said this I slipped my hand into his and looked into his eyes. They were deep purple with specks of blue in them. And before I knew it, I felt something inside of him, some sort of stress leave his heart. 

"What was that?" I asked, scared that I spoke too soon. 

He smiled, "My dad realized that he couldn't control me, so he left me alone. Ava, I am not going to hurt you I promise.  Please let me come back to you..." 

I let Clara know that I was ok and I wanted Logan to come back and see the baby. She asked what made me change my mind. I told her that his dad left him alone and that I felt it. I could feel this weight being lifted and him being restored to his former self. 

As we walked back toward the pack border I could feel the familiar inkling of my mother in my head.

"Ava, you're back! What took you so long, I was about to put out search parties for you."

"Don't worry mom, I just wanted to talk to Logan about what happened and...I've decided to take him back as my mate."

"What?!? Why? After what he did to your father, why would you want to take him back?"

"Because if he really has changed, which I believe he has, I want our son to know his father," I answered, looking at the love of my life standing right next to me. My wolf lit up inside of me and my heart grew warm. I knew that this was who my child's father was.

We passed through the border to the sounds of scattered gasps.

"Why is he back?"

"He killed the Alpha, and now he wants back into the life of his daughter?"

I could see my mom and Clara walking toward us with our son.

"Logan, I can't forget what you did, and I can't forgive you either, but I can see why Ava took you back," said my mom looking down at her grandson, "Because he needs a dad."

"Anyway enough of that, have you guys pick a name yet? Because we want to do the ceremony for him," said Clara.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think we have," I answered. Logan looked at me and nodded.

*Time Skip*

"We are gathered here today to welcome a new life into this family, and to join two people together in lives," said my mom. She looked regal, in our tribe colors and the tribe headpiece.

"Your dad would love to be here today, but unforeseen circumstances, have taken him from us. But know that he is looking over you today and he is very proud of you today. Let us begin," she continued looking at us. I looked at Logan and smiled. I handed my son to my mom and she said,

"Logan and Ava, what is the name that you wish to place on this child?"

"Garrett," we said in unison. Logan and I took our hands and placed them on Garrett. And we said, "Let the Creator give you a fun, adventure-filled life and keep you from all the evil in the world."

Then my mom said, "Now we are here to join two lost mates together."

That was our cue. We faced each other and my mom continued, "Logan do you promise to keep Ava by your side at all times and put her and Garrett first?"

Logan nodded, "I do."

" Ava, do you promise to keep Logan by your side at all times and put him and Garrett first?"

I nodded, "I do."

"Then open your minds to each other and share your strength with each other from now on." 

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