You Hurt Him??

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Ava's P.O.V.

It has officially been over an hour and Logan has still not come back. Can people blame me for freaking out? I can't live with the fact that he might be dead, all because he tried to save me... Will our child have to live without a father? I don't know if I can live with that.


Logan's P.O.V.

"Kill your mate," my dad said.

"But how?" I asked, "She would immediately know that something was wrong, and then I would have to lie and say everything was all right. Then she would DEFINITELY know that something was wrong."

My dad had said that I pretended that I had killed him and then go about my daily life and when the time was right, kill her and the baby.  So I left him and went back to my mate.

"Hey hon, so he's not dead, but I told him to stay away from you and the baby so he shouldn't bother us from now on," I said putting a hand on her stomach. The baby gave a forceful kick, forcing Ava to lurch forward. My instincts told me to catch her and I did, and I knew that my conscious was still back there trying to fight off whatever was there in my head.
"You ok?" I asked, pretending to worry.
"Yeah, I just think that the baby might be getting too big for my system to handle," she said, laughing nervously.
"Do you need a doctor?" I asked this time genuinely worried. She gives another wince as she says, " Maybe, I'm not entirely su.....AAHHHH! " She cuts off with an inhuman scream that tells me that the baby is coming. At the same time, my dad mind links me, This is it, Logan, Kill her and the baby and you never have to worry about her again.

I knew that this was wrong and I knew that I should not do it. Then my dad inches himself into my brain and shows me what life would be like without them, and I had made up my mind, I would hurt the baby and have her reject me as her mate. But then I think of the regret that I would be living with and I don't think that I would be able to do it that.

But I wanted to make my dad happy and I knew that was going to take whatever it took, even if it took my mate hating me, which killed me to do.  So I hid the regret and the anger that I knew I was going to feel and made my way to the medical tent and I saw him, my handsome little boy in his mother's swaddling hands.

My instincts took over and I transformed into my wolf and wrecked havoc. I didn't even hear Ava scream for me to calm down when I lunged at her. All I could think about doing was hurting the baby.

I lunged.

My claws were out.

I scratched his neck.

And then I blacked out.

Ava's P.O.V.

It all happened so fast.

I should have known something was wrong with him.

And now I know that he is following his dad, that there is no saving him from himself.

I ran, I ran so fast that I didn't even look back, taking my son with me. How could I not have known that he was planning to do this? To destroy possibly the only chance that I had with my son? I soon reached my family's tent and rushed inside. My dad saw me and asked, "Hon what happened? You look so out of breath... Come sit down"
I shook my head, explaining that  Logan had fallen to the darkness in his soul for good, and he was trying to kill their grandson. I could feel my eyes beginning to mist with tears as I told them this.

As I neared the end of my story, my dad took me into his arms and said the only thing to do is to reject him and sever ties altogether.        

 Logan's P.O.V.

All of a sudden I wake up on a hospital stretcher hooked up to at least twelve IV drips. I started to struggle and my Alpha came up to me and said, "Logan, it's going to feel much better if you don't struggle..."

"What do you mean, 'feel much better'?" I asked, really confused.

" You lost control, wreaking havoc across the pack grounds. We had no choice but to contain you. " said the Alpha's wife. Her hand touched my arm as a look of sadness crossed her face. She went on to say, " Your mother thought you would be able to fight it off and raise kids with your mate, what would she think if she was still here?"

That's when it hit me: Ava and the baby, what happened to them?? Did I kill him, did I kill our son?

"What happened..." I hesitated to say the rest of my sentence. " Ava and the baby?" I finished, fearing what the Alpha would say. 

"Don't worry, they're ok.." said the Alpha. I then asked if I could see them, and the Alpha said that in my condition and to the extent that it could happen again, no...

And then the thing I dreaded the most popped into my head, "What if she can never forgive me for what just happened? What if I don't get to see my son grow up?"

"I have to see them, I have to apologize for what just happened... I can't let her think that I wanted that to happen, because trust me I would never want anything like that to happen ever again..."

The Alpha looked me in the eyes with a hard expression in his eyes that told me that she would never forgive me for that.

And as they injected me with another dose of the calming serum, and as I closed my eyes, the last thing I saw in my head was my mate standing there with a really sad expression in her eyes telling me it was over..... FOREVER

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