Chapter 2

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Carrie  ---------------------------->>>>>

Dominique's POV

"This is what  get for hiring a lazy-ass assistant like Carrie." I huffed to myself.

"I heard that." She snapped over the speaker, most likely rolling her eyes in agitation.

"I'm sorry," I said, sarcasm oozing out of me. Having been mentally checked out of the conversation, I pulled the phone away from my face and hung up as a Walmart came into view. We pulled into a spot and I got out of the car, not before having told my driver that I won't be long.

Just as I reached the double automatic doors, my phone rang. I was already annoyed at the possibility of it being Carrie, though she should know by now to not call me back if I ever abruptly end the conversation. I stopped a few feet from the automatic doors and checked the caller ID. It was my niece- Shawna. I smiled widely and began my walk to and through the entryway, answering with a 'hello' whilst making my way through the produce aisle.

"Hey uncle D," She squealed. She is Kaelee Anne -my sister-'s only child, and is recently turned 18 but still acts like a kid.

"Hey, baby girl." I greeted and began searching for a drink in the refrigerated section. "How's it going?" I asked after grabbing a Snapple peach tea, then moving to the next aisle. I looked upwards, trying to find a sign which would help me get to the bagel section. 

What! I don't come here that often. Sue me!

"Oh you know, Christmas is coming soon so, mom wanted to know if you're coming for the lunch," she said.

As I searched for my favorite type of bagel, I assured her that I was coming. As usual, she asked me if I was bringing someone- although she knew my answer already. Finally deciding on what bagel to buy, the marmalade to top it with, and convincing my cheeky little pest of a niece to hang up, I made my way over to the only cashier in right now. 

As I placed my items quietly on the counter, I did a double-take. Why? Well first off he looked like he was 15! I mean no offense to him but he was so short and tiny and somewhat... 


His cheeks were round and flushed like he just ran a marathon. Overall he did not look like your average cashier. I unconsciously looked at my watch and then it snapped, I've been standing here for 5 minutes now. 'Has he really not seen me yet?' 

I cleared my throat, "Excuse me..." He slowly looked up at me through his lashes and I swear I got goosebumps. 

"Uhm.... me?" his voice sweet and soft like rose petals. I was hypnotized, to say the least, but I soon snap out of it as I saw his two emerald orbs gazing at me. I glanced around a little confused myself. He was the only one there.

"Yes, you. There are no other cashiers around." He blushed and I just wanted to 'awe' at him. 'He was so cute, kind of like a bunny.' 

"Ah right. How? How may I help you today?" He stuttered. He looked so embarrassed as he chuckled nervously.

I put on my best poker face to prevent from laughing and nodded towards the items on the counter. He blushed a little brighter- if possible- and began to check them with his head bent. I stared at him a little and realized he was probably never going to look up at me again. I want him to look at me again. I cleared my throat and he looked up a little slower this time- maybe he was nervous? 

"Uhm... yes?" He timidly asked.

"How much?" I eyed him as I reached in my back pocket to grab my second wallet. 'I just noticed that he isn't a loudspeaker. That just makes him cuter.'

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