Chapter 10

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A/N --->@sweetbeing, thanks soo much for the comments, they may not mean much to you but they do to me... because I love feedback. ;) you're awesome.

Also, thanks to all the readers who kept up with my story, I appreciate y'all. Here have some love :D

                                      XOXOXOOOOOO <3



Sammy POV

When the limo pulled out of the parking lot, I stared after it thinking of how things would've turned out if only Dominique had tried a little harder. I sighed and reluctantly climbed up the stairs. 


I pulled out my keys to my apartment...


I pushed in the key and twisted. I was about to sigh in relief but stopped when I saw that Cindy was there. I paused, already knowing how she would react if she saw me in my current state. I sucked in a breathe and dried my misty eyes. I pulled on a smile and said, " Hey Cindy!"

"Hi, I came back after you left. Your apartment is so much brighter than mine and...." she looked up from her laptop and pulled out her headphones, " Sammy what's wrong?"

"What? Nothings wrong? Why do you ask?"

"... because you're twisting your face..." she got up and gave me a side hug and a kiss. " Did the brunch go well? Or do I have to visit little Dominique...?"

I sighed and whispered, " no actually. It went uhm, great... They just reminded me of my place in life." I coughed.


So my afternoon consisted of me watching sad romance movies with around five tubs of ice cream, with my best friend Cindy.

God, I love her.

Dominique POV

"- Leo how could you say such a thing to him!!!" my mom screeched at her husband.

After Sammy left I felt confused. Like I didn't know what to do...

I know I should have tried harder to earn his forgiveness, but the look on his face told me sufficiently that he wanted nothing to do with me. After he left, all I felt was rage that Leo could have said something so mean to someone so sweet.

I wanted to hit someone, something, anything...

But I calmed down and soon after I did my mom seemed to have picked up my anger. She had a screaming match and all the while I tuned them out...

I collapsed onto the couch, my shoulders hunched. His face, looked like he was on the verge of tears and it was all my fault... His face is engraved in my memory.

I punched at the cushion, my newfound anger taking control of me. 

"Why was I so stupid!" I screamed.

" Because you never think!" Leo shouted back. Somehow he had ended up sitting opposite me while my mom stood by the bar.

"What!?" I screamed outraged and fed up with his stupidity and bullshit, " You were the one who screamed at him that he was no good for me! That he would just ruin my image -"

"Because he will. He's just another gold digger Dominique. Honestly, how can you be so gullible! I thought I raised you to bet-" Leo began scowling at me.

"Don't you dare finish that you sick bastard? You didn't raise me and you're not my father!" my eyes squinted dangerously.

He sucked in a breath, and put on a poker face, " I just want to see the best for you, Dominique..."

"Well Leo, " I began with a smile, " What if Sammy was my best. What if he is the one who makes me happy!"

Leo's face softened and my mom's sniffles could be heard, " I-I di-didn't think of it that-"

"Yeah well, you didn't. Now it doesn't fucking matter because he left! I won't ever see him again and that's thanks to you! Are you happy? My image isn't smudged anymore!"

I shot up from my seat and took my jacket.

"Honey?" My mom rushed to me, " where are you going?"

"Out!" I snapped but instantaneously regret it when I saw her face. She started to sniffle. " I'm sorry mom, I just can't stand to be in the same room as him."

I kissed her on the cheek and left without another word.

Time for my medicine...

A/N #2

Who? What? or where is his medicine?




XOXO goodnight <3

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