Chapter 15

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A/N; @deannaLove001 hey there :D how are you enjoying the story?

Anne to the top ^^^^ (or side xD )

Sammy's POV *chapter 14*

She stepped in front of me, her eyes, her face- all I could think of was anger, hatred, a little bit of shock, and possibly death. 

Okay, maybe not death but still... 

She was the bitch who stole from my mom, used to beat me when my mom wasn't around. She even-

"What are you doing here?" I snarled out, and from the side of my eyes, I saw Dominique go from eager to nervous real quick.

She stuttered and rubbed her hands together, "C-can I have a-a s-sit?"

I looked around and tried to look like I was actually contemplating the matter, my head then snapped to hers, "No."

She visibly gulped and I watched as she shifted uncomfortably. I folded my arms and rolled my eyes while staring her down, "I will repeat myself once more. What are you doing here."

"Sammy, just hear her out -" Dominique said and I snapped my head to him, giving him the look. He quickly shut up seeing that obviously, this was a matter bigger than he'd thought.

"Anne, answer me," I said, my patience wearing thin.

"I-I wanted to apologize f-for being ... I-I mean treating you and your mom that way... I uhm...." She stumbled out incoherently.

I laughed dryly, "What, dear Anne, makes you think I believe you? For all I know, you could be lying like the many times you did to my mom and me." I squinted my eyes, "How do I know that you're not just here to beg me for a job so you could-"

"I'm not." She rushed out, her eyes pleading to me with tears already climbing out of them.

I shook my head. "Get out!"

"Sammy, please... I-I just need to -"

"No. I don't want to hear it. Get out!!" I screamed. My vision already turning spotty.

It wasn't until I felt hands wrap around my waist and I heard a soft click I realized everything was silent again.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know..."

"It's okay Dominique." I sighed pulling out and looking at his worried face, " You didn't know." I pecked his cheek and did a slight chuckle. "Let's not let this food go to waste shall we."

He nodded and pulled out my chair again, " After you..."

I grinned.

Agnes POV

You should've told him. I argued with myself after going down the flight of stairs.

I know but did you see his face... there was no way he'd believe me, after all, I did to him. I groaned and pulled out my car keys. Before entering I looked up and saw the stars twinkling.

Well, at least she's with her loved ones now...

A tear rolled down my cheeks and I puffed out some air. I furiously scrubbed my eyes and entered the warm car. 

Sammy was such a good boy. He was quiet and I truly did love him at the beginning, but life has a way of letting situations affect your relationships with those who are outside of it. My marriage was rocky after just the first year in, and I was very frustrated with my husband all the time because of the financial troubles he'd willingly put us in. 

I wanted to love Sammy, I truly did but the problems with me and my husband would somehow be pushed onto Sammy in the form of physical abuse. I could never fully remember the times that I've hit Sammy- it was like I blacked out during those moments- but soon afterward, I would see him... crying, trembling, and the most confused expression on his face... all directed to me.

It was my first marriage, I was young and desperate to make it work out. So I stole from my employer, but every time I found a way to fix my then husband's problems a new one would show up. It all got to be too much and I knew I couldn't take it out on my husband- he was bigger than me after all... so I took it out on Sammy.

I was so young, confused, and vulnerable that I even began seducing Sammy's father in an attempt to gain love and intimacy from someone- when in reality all I wanted for was my husband's love.

My head plopped down on the steering wheel ... I screamed.

I screamed for being such a terrible person that even the kindest of hearts couldn't forgive me.

I screamed because I was foolish enough to think he would ever give me a second chance.

I screamed because I couldn't even tell him the truth.

I screamed because the one he loves the most died... and he doesn't even know that because I was such a coward.

I should've told him...

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