Chapter 13

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A/N ---------> @ScarTheLion, this update is for you, I hope everything went well with your mom  :D

----------------------------------------------------->>> Sammy's mom before surgery

Cindy's POV

It's been 3 weeks since we first visited Mrs. Baker. The first few days were tough because Sammy never wanted to leave his mom's side. He would get a fit, that was until Dominique had to carry him to the car to go home and rest.

"Cindy...I need your help!" Dominique called.

I put the vegetables I was cutting in a bowl of water, and left to go find him, "What is it Domin-"

I paused at the sight before me. I laughed, "What are you guys doing?"

Sammy groaned and tried to stand, but ended up hitting his head on the shelf. We rushed over and pulled him up.

Dominique sighed, " I caught him on the floor, trying to stand up. He was giggling like crazy..."

It  was my turn to sigh, " Sammy, you don't have to take the pills anymore..."

Dominique POV

As soon as I heard what Cindy said, my mind started to spin.

What pills...

My phone rang. I excused myself and regretted doing so. It was Leo.

"...don't care. He's putting off work just for a little brat. This is -"

"Ahem..."I glared at the wall, " Why did you call me Leo?"

"I called you because I'm worried about you son-" he started.

"Don't," I stopped him, " call me son..." I gritted my teeth.

"Dominique this is outrageous," he boomed into the phone, " you haven't been to work for a month and some days. I mean this is fucking ridiculous. You're putting your career-"

"Exactly, " I shouted, silencing him, "It's MY career and I'll do as I please. Stop trying to ruin my life!!"

I hung up, a little breathless. I heard a shuffle and closed my eyes. I pinched my nose. My phone ringed again but this time it was a message.

Are you okay Dominique- Mom

Yeah, mom, I'll come over for lunch later

Okay sweetie, see you then, tell Sammy, baby, I said hi- Mom

I chuckled and turned around.

"Th-they were depression pills..." Sammy said quietly... well quieter than usual.

"You were depressed?" I asked moving towards him slowly.

He nodded and a tear rolled down his baby soft rosy cheeks. It pained me to see him cry.

"Please don't cry baby, " I reached out and wiped away the tear. He blushed but nuzzled my hand anyway.

Oh fuck... I miss that blush...


I led us to a couch and I could faintly hear a door close. "What do you mean baby?"

"I uhm... It all started with cutting and-and uh-" he stammered but stopped when he looked at me.


"You used to cut?" I asked, eyebrows torn between being raised and frowning.

"Y-yeah.." he unconsciously pulled the sleeves of his throw-over. " Th-that's why I wear uhm, throws and sweaters..."

I was so confused. A little happy because he trusted me enough to tell me but a little disappointed he did self-harm.

"When did you stop... ?" I asked. He looked up at me like a confused puppy, " the uhm... the cutting that is..." I felt to vomit even after saying that word.

He nodded and looked away," I uh, I stopped around 16. B-but after I got re-really depressed, and uhm, that-that's where the pills come in. Th-they's anti-depressants and uhm... they-they're supposed to make me happy..."

I frowned.

"B-but, I stopped taking them for 15 months now. Only I uhm, thought I was depressed cause my mom was..."

I nodded in understanding. I turned to eye him completely. " Do you still have thoughts about it"

He nodded and looked at his interweaving hands in his lap. I put my hand under his chin and lifted it, " Baby, you should see someone..."

Oh gosh, why did I say that...

He stood up quickly, taking a completely different stance," No! They will just give me more pills, they WON'T help me!" He was hyperventilating and puffs came out as he breathed.

"Babe... you should just let them-"

"No Dominique..." he said, his voice firm but cracking a little," I've been through it once, I won't do it again."

And he walked away. It was at that time Cindy re-entered with a few grocery bags. I groaned.

"I think I made him mad..." I got up and started to help unpack them.

She looked at me and asked me what was wrong. I told her and she placed the carton of milk in the fridge. She turned around and looked at me, straight in the eye.

I fidgeted a little and after a while, she sighed and said, " I can help you fix it, but you owe me big time for it."

I nodded eagerly and she began to tell me some pretty interesting things.

A/N-What do you think she told him? Hmmm...

Cindy POV

It was a good two hours later when we finally got our stuff together. I took my gloves off and placed them in my apron pocket. I sighed.

This better is than worth it...

"It will be," Dominique said as he came in through the door. A little after he came in another person shuffled inside.

"How did you know what I was-"

He turned to face me, half a chocolate-covered strawberry in his mouth, "Your face says it all...." he smirked and finished off the berry.

I turned to face the person and ushered them to the guest room. I told them how to set it up and gave them a walkie. I explained how this would go while they nodded. Afterward, I went back out only to have me pushed right back into the room.

"He's here," Dominique whisper shouted.

Sammy POV

I shoved my keys in and twisted. The place was unusually dim. I searched around for the light switch only to be pulled back into a hard chest.

I jumped and whacked at their chest.


"Dominique?!" I asked in disbelief and blushed furiously at our position. I tried to pull away but he only pulled me closer. "What are you d-mph..."

I was shocked at first but quickly responded to the kiss. He pulled away and I looked at him. His eyes soft and filled with.... warmth...

I starred a little more and snapped out of it.

"What are you doing? I thought you went back to work today?" I asked trying to hide my blush by busying myself with the Christmas decorations.

"Baby... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you into doing something you weren't comfortable -"

"It's okay.." I sniffled, " you-you didn't know..." Oh God, I am such a baby.....

"No, it's not..." Dominique sighed, " so I made some lunch and got you a surprise. Cindy helped..." he scratched his neck.

I chuckled and walked over to the chair he was pulling out for me.

"Sammy..." I heard a frail but gentle voice call.

I slowly turned around and was shocked...

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