Chapter 27

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Engagement rings to the top...

I waved goodbye to Dominique as I closed his car door and went up the stairs to my apartment.

Hmm, maybe I'll go check on Cindy.

As I walked the short way to her door, my phone blared out. I picked up quickly and stopped, looking over the railings and rolling my eyes as I saw Dominique's car still running in the parking lot, "Hello?"

"Hey Sammy!" Cindy's cheerful voice rang out. 

"Hey!" I chuckled, "Funny thing is, I was just about to check on you."

"Oh really?" She laughed, "Well I actually called to let you know that I'd be out all night, so you don't have to worry about me."


"Yeah. In fact I'm at the salon, getting my hair and nails done." She giggled ecstatically. Then I heard some background noise which definitely assured me that she really was at the salon.

"Ohhh," I smirked, "Someone's got a date." Cindy always goes all out for dates, even going as far as spending the whole day getting ready for a date that may not even last four hours. 

She's just girly like that.

"Ha ha, so I'll talk to you later!" She blew me a kiss, "Tell Dominique I said hi."

"Oh, speaking of I nearly forgot that I also have a date tonight. With him." I frowned, "This time he asked me about half an hour ago, which was weird because he usually gives me advanced notice."


"Yeah. He said he'd text me a few details later on. Apparently it's a fancy restaurant." I said thoughtfully and giggled as I saw Dominique exit his car and look up at me worriedly. I'm fine, you can go. I mouthed, chuckling at his stubborn frown as he rested his folded arms on the roof of his car. "Ha ha, Cindy, I'll talk to you later. Have fun on your date. Bye." She repeated her farewells and hung up.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I waved him off and fished out my keys to unlock my apartment door. "Bye!" I blew him a kiss and entered my home, then locked the door. Seconds later I heard the faint sound of the car driving off. I chuckled to myself and started unwinding. I decided to go shave first, then pick out my clothes, shower and then moisturize my body. Halfway through my checklist, I received a text message as promised by Dominique, containing a few details about where we're going. So I picked out appropriate clothing and went ahead to finish getting ready.

It was 6:15 p.m. and I had just finished getting ready when I heard a knock on the door. "Sammy, you ready yet?" Dom's voice called out.

"Yeah, hang on." I unlocked the door and was quite pleased with the view. Dominique wore one of his tight navy suits with a light blue button up and a navy satin bow tie. His muscly arms were definitely more defined and his outfit was complemented with a silver watch, chain and bracelet with black belt and shoes. "You look really nice." I reached out to hug his neck and he gently scooped me up by my waist, whispering a soft thank you in my ears.

"You look cute." He said as he let me down and kissed my cheek, scanning me appreciatively.

"Thank you," I blushed and looked down for a bit. I decided to wear grey semi-skined slacks and a blazer to match paired with a black long sleeved turtleneck, black shoes and belt coupled with silver accessories.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand, "Let's go."


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