Chapter 31

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^Cindy and Josh's house from the back.


Sammy's POV

"Baaaabeeeeeee!!" I yelled as I hopped up and down the bedroom trying to get these stupid skinny jeans, that he bought me, past my knees. "Oh for the love of-" a high pitch wail boomed through, cutting me mid curse effectively stopping my hopping, "DOMINIQUE! GET THE KID!" I yelled.

"Okay, okay! Calm down now, both of you." He grumbled, entering our huge ensuite with a fussy, 23 month old Molly in his arms. I glanced over as he walked in and internally swooned over the couple; he held her in his arms swaying her back and forth trying to get her to settle down. He looked at her very attentively, playing with the pacifier at her pouting lips-a little too attentive-

"Dominique!" I snapped quickly. His eyes rose as he stopped dead in his tracks, surprise and confusion mixed in his eyes, "Watch where you're going. You nearly walked into the television!" Still confused, he finally looked in front him and realised I was right. He gave me a sheepish smile and placed the pacifier in Molly's grabby hands.

I turned trying to return to my task ahead when he walked over, turned me and swooped down quickly to kiss my lips. Before I could do anything, he pulled back just as quickly as he came down. 

"Mm.. Did you check her?" I asked after a few minutes of being out of it, going back to pulling my pants up- which by the way I have no doubt will make me look like a water balloon with some rubber bands around it.

"I did," He said lowly making me assume, without needing to turn around, that he had got her to fall asleep and was placing her in her favourite pastel pink woven basket full of plushies. A moment of silence and then arms encased me from behind just as I was done finishing up my belt. "Mmm... You look sexy, mi amor..." He trailed off, his eyes leaving traces as he openly eye raped me through the floor to ceiling mirror wall (I'm not sure why we have this in our house. It took me months to get used too, especially during the times we made love, as it was awkward and literally left nothing unseen in the room... and I mean nothing). I looked myself over, reaffirming his complement. I wore a simple dark grey button up and these cursed black skinny jeans and belt to match. His hands soon replaced his eyes and I had to bat them away as he moved to undo my belt. 

He whimpered but I groaned, "You bought me these stupid pants and they took forever to put on!" I ranted and poked at his chest, "They're not coming off this easily, especially as we have to leave in-"

"P-papa?" A tiny voice called out.

I looked over to see a cute 5 year old dressed- to match Dominique-with dark brown pants, dark red suspenders and shoes to match, and a black tiny polka dotted white button up. "Yes, bubba?" I walked over so that I could stoop to his level, mentally rolling my eyes that Dominique still went ahead and had custom made replicas of some of his outfits done for our little Adrian here even though I told him not too. Although I must admit, it does look cute- mentally ofcourse, as dominique's ego is big enough as it is already.

As I stooped, I worriedly glanced over his little body for any signs of injuries since his sniffling was causing him to tremble a bit, "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked a little frantically now that his sniffling got worse and his clutch on his red winnie the pooh bear got deathly. "Babe!"

"Yes?" Dom immediately appeared at my side, looking even more worried than I was now that he saw little Adrian in a full blown sob fest. "What's wrong with him, Sammy?" His glance shifting between me and Adrian.

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