Chapter 14

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A/N; @kaylasherman520 ---------- As promised this is for you :) Enjoy it guys ... Sorry that it's just a filler... have a little writer's block T-T

Cindy POV

"mph!" I glared at the tiled floor beneath me. I shuffled and twisted until I finally got myself pushed upwards.

Damn... didn't know that window was so fucking high...

I looked at the window and sighed, "The things I do for people, it's gonna get me killed one day."

I dusted myself off and picked up my phone and wallet off the floor, then walked over to my apartment door. I unlocked it and found the light switch. I have about 2 more hours before I had to leave for my nigh classes.

*1 hour and 15  minutes later *

I was dressed and seated on a bus seat. I looked around and brought out my cell phone. 

5:15 p.m 

I couldn't help but let my thoughts consume the emptiness.

I worried about how Sammy would react to seeing her. I have a feeling that things would go down very badly given how the two left things. From the way he described her and their last moments together, it was clear that this meeting may not go over as smoothly as one would hope.

*ring ring*

I swiped and answered with a confused, "hello?"

"Hey Cindy..." I heard a voice growl on the end.


"Your life will be shortened. Be vigilant, look around because right in front of you, death waits to bring you with it to the ground." and just like that, the line went dead.

I stared at the phone confused, trying to trace the number but to no avail. I called operator and told them what happened. They then put me on a waiting list and asked if I received any threats lately or if I needed an officer to drop by.

My world started to spin, and even though I was hearing all of the questions the operator asked I couldn't bring myself to respond to any of them. Then it started. I began to sweat and my breathing labored. My eyes darted around the bus, the before spacious room seeming now more like a tiny box closing in.

I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness; the voices of the past slowly chipping away at the many years of building up my walls. I clenched my fist, feeling like I was being sucked into a swirling vortex, and amidst all of this, I remembered that I was supposed to be holding my phone. Now the panic really set in and I began to frantically grope the seat, feeling around for the phone which must've slipped out of my hands at some point.

I lifted my head and tried to focus my eyes on the faces of the bus, hoping that their obscured faces would be seen. My mouth opened, with the words that I was about to yell out at the very tip of my tongue, and yet, I couldn't seem to say anything. 

The silence was deafening and I began to grope the seats more. My panic-stricken state had gotten worse because I could see the faces being blurred out even more and the words, which never left my mouth, just hung right on the edge of my lips.

Then it hit me. 

Why was the seat cold.

I looked down at the seats and instead of dry fabric, I felt iced cold water.

My heart started racing as my mind wandered to some dark places.

This must be a dream...

No, a nightmare.

The very slight yet gradually increasing sound of glass cracking had me looking forward at the direction of the windshield, and I noticed it- the windows of the bus slightly cracking from the force of the water outside trying to push its way inside.

My breath hitched and I quickly averted my eyes to the passenger in front of me, who now seemed just like a mass of color. My eyes shifted again to the window right beside me and a silent scream escaped my lips.

A pair of glowing, yellow eyes appeared. They stared right at me as if trying to see my very soul...


And just like that I jumped out of bed and rolled on the floor. I quickly stood to my feet and scoped my room for any dangers, until a noise rang out through my empty apartment.

I rushed out of the room and pulled open the door. I no doubtingly must have looked crazy judging from the look Sammy gave me while he slowly inched backward.

"Yes?" I asked groggily.

"What happened to you?" he asked letting himself in by slipping through the small space between me and the door frame.

"Morning to you too. Come in. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I asked sarcastically. 

I shut the door and he rolled his eyes. "I just had a bad dream," I added again, after realizing I hadn't responded to his previous question. "Why'd you come over though?"

He eyed me suspiciously, "I came over to ask you to join me on my trip to the mall. After my mom leaves the hospital she would be staying with me in the guest bedroom and I need to get a few things for her. Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded my head and motioned him over to the kitchen.

"Oh and Dominique told me about your brilliant plan to help him last night." He glared daggers at me. I chuckled nervously.

This is gonna be a long day.

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