Chapter 7

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Dominique's mom------------------------>>

Dominique's POV

"Yes, mom." I rolled my eyes and flinched when she slapped my shoulder. 

Currently, my mom and I were decorating a cake for the brunch date that she had managed to convince me to invite Sammy over for. 

Let me put you up to speed. 

Mom had come over last night to have a movie date, which basically turned into a sleepover. Her husband- my stepdad- Leo, was off on a two-week business trip, visiting his hotel chains over in South and West Africa. My mom can't exactly handle being alone because she was always taking care of someone; either my dad at one point and then me. Thus, she gets lonely often as a result and sometimes goes into her shell whenever she's not given the attention or social interaction she needs- by either myself, Leo, or her friends and other extended families. So, I couldn't bear to decline her offer because I knew how much she needed it.

Ultimately we ended up spending the night watching some thriller movies and then rewatching some of our favorite Netflix shows- whilst of course binging on snacks and other desserts- before calling it a night, a little past midnight. 

In between the movie and episode hopping, we spoke a little bit about what had happened with us lately- even sharing some gossip. And of course, my mom being my mom, had decided to bug me about Sammy.

Ah, my cute angel...

Sammy and I had remained in constant contact throughout the week, with phone calls, texts, and WhatsApp messages. Eventually, I had decided on Thursday to ask him out- which of course he said yes to. I can't exactly say that I was surprised because I could sense that he was quickly beginning to like me just as much as I was. The only problem that stood between my hand resting comfortably on the small of his back was the location for our date. When Friday came, however, I had a plan and had managed to reserve a table with one of the high-end restaurants I would normally use for meetings with clients and partners and such. 

It's a cute little restaurant overlooking a lake surrounded by beautiful rose bushes and cherry blossom trees. So the plan was to have lunch and go for a late stroll in the garden. Then I'd lead him up to the lover's swing under a huge willow tree and swing him a bit...

Maybe, flirt a little...

Make out.

Anyway, I can't say I'm exactly sure how it happened but all I remember is that one minute we were hanging out at my apartment while drinking coffee- since we both are accustomed to getting up early- and the next minute she had somehow convinced me to go shopping at 6 in the morning to get ingredients for the brunch. 

"Don't yes mom me..." She squinted at me as she turned around from having unpackaged all of the tiny chocolates, chocolate-filled wafer rolls, and cinnamon spice vanilla-flavored macarons that would be used to top the four-layered strawberry cream filled torte; which was covered with white chocolate cream cheese frosting and topped with some milk and dark chocolate coated raspberries and strawberries.

Yes, I know. 

She definitely went overboard.

She pushed me aside so she could busy herself with the toppings. After a few minutes, she sighed and carried the cake over to the casing and stand in the center of the coffee table, then returned to the kitchen and folded her arms as she leaned on the bar. "I just want my son to be happy." She eyed me intensely, with slight worry in her eyes.

"Mom," I groaned as I facepalmed at her mothering, "I am happy, stop worrying." 

She cocked her head to the side as if in disbelief. In response, I rolled my eyes and turned around to plate the fresh chocolate and cherry jam-filled croissants from their respective boxes, "I just don't get why we had to prepare everything at 9 in the morning. Couldn't we have waited for 10, since we decided to do the brunch for 11?"

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