Chapter 11

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A/N; So a friend of mine who wants to be anonymous, said whilst reading my story, that he didn't like Michael for the role of Dominique..... So I looked and found this beaut (for the pervs who watched fifty shade of grey ;) )... enjoy------------------------------------>>

P.S. Tell me what you think

Dominique's POV

It's been three weeks since the incident. I haven't heard from Sammy since and every time I tried to call him, his phone went straight to voicemail on the second ring.

He's been avoiding me...

Sammy's POV

I can't believe it's been three weeks and Dominique hasn't even tried to contact me. I don't know what hurts more, the fact that his dad said all these hurtful things to me or that Dominique is confirming his dad's words by ignoring me...

I thought to myself.

I was in the kitchen baking away. I like to relieve stress by baking and with Christmas coming up and my vacation starting yesterday, I've had a lot of time to do exactly that.

As I was checking on my second batch of cinnamon rolls, the phone rang. I closed the oven and wiped my hands on my apron. I picked up, " Hello? Sammy speaking..."

I heard an audible gasp of relief, " Sammy..." it was Dominique, " I've been so worried! Are you alright-"

"You've been worried!" I asked incredulously, " I've been waiting for you to call me ever since-"

"Wait!Wait!Wait!" he stopped me, " I have been calling you and I think I left around 30 voice messages!"

"No! You didn't call me! I have been checking my phone every time I came home for any signs of..."I started but stopped. The doorbell rang, stopping me from further examining the situation. " Hold on..."

I walked cautiously to the door, phone in one hand and knife in other. I peeked in the peephole and saw it was no other than Cindy. I sighed and put down the knife.

"Sammy? What's going on?"Dominique asked frantically. I shushed him and opened the door.

"Hey Sammy!" she greeted gleefully.

"Cindy? Did you delete any of my voice mails?" I looked into her eyes to see if she was lying.

She sighed, " I'm sorry Sammy! I didn't want you to feel any more heartbroken because of him!"

It was my turn to sigh, "Cindy, as much as I appreciate you looking out for me. I'm a big boy and I can handle my problems."

She nodded, her eyes already misty, " Okay Sammy, I promise. I'm really sorry." She hugged me and -

"Helloooooo?! Sammy! That's it! I'm coming over!"

I looked at the phone in shock... " Well, I guess we're having a guest for dinner...?"

2 hours later

"Sammy?" his panicked voice through the closed door. I rolled my eyes and handed Cindy the jar of berries that I was using for pie filling.

"Cindy, can you finish that for me and place the cut-up strips to make squares?" I asked her.

"Sure," she answered and was already filling the pie up. I rushed over towards the door and pulled it open or else he would've pounded it down.

He enveloped me in a warm hug and I felt weak in the knees. I threw my arms around his shoulders and tip-toed to reach. His arms tightened around my waist and he pulled me up and twirled me around.

It wasn't until he saw a flash that he set me on my feet. My face flushed red and body tingling, I turned with a glare directed at Cindy. She chuckled nervously and tried to hide the camera. "Cindy?!"

"I couldn't, you guys were so cute and..." she sighed dreamily.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face a very confused Dominique, " Can you stay for dinner?" His confused state instantly transformed into a happy one, and he picked me up and hugged me again.

After he released me I lead him to the kitchen. He bent down and whispered in my ears when I went for the fridge handle, " you look hot in an apron..." he growled.

Shivers racked my body and I tried not to let him know, but when I turned around with a blush ever-present he had a subtle smirk on his face, I'm guessing he noticed.

"So uhm," I cleared my throat, " I'm making spaghetti and meat..." I started to tell him but stopped when I noticed his face was a pinkish shade. "What?!"

Cindy looked and laughed when she realized what was making Dominique flustered, " What?"

"Babe..." he started, really unsure of how to say it.

Cindy's laugh grew and she sputtered out broken sentences," You...didn't....on....wear..."

He flushed scarlet and pointed to my lower section... I looked down and realise I was only in my boxers. I squealed and ran straight to my room... My face fifty shades of red...

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