Chapter 12

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Sammy POV

It was a little after dinner that thing took the worst turn ever. I had gotten a phone call that said my mom was in critical condition. She apparently was bedridden and was asking for me. It didn't take someone to tell me twice. I put on my jacket and grabbed my keys, Cindy and Dominique following close behind.

That's why we're waiting here, in the waiting room waiting for a doctor.

"Mr ... uh, Sammy?" a man in a white coat came out holding a clipboard, looking rather confused at it. He looked across the room full of faces.

I shakily stood up and walked over to him, " Yes doctor, how is she?"

"Come let's talk in another room." I nodded and when Dominique and Cindy tried to follow, I raised my arm gently to stop them.

"It's okay guys, It'll only be a while," I said softly and followed the taller man dressed in a coat and scrubs to his office.

Dominique POV

I was pacing up and down, constantly checking the stubborn arrows on my watch, willing it to go faster. Only every time I looked at it, the time seems to pause. I groaned and rubbed my head.

I glanced over to Cindy who was just a nervous mess as I was. She was rocking back and forth on the hard plastic chair like a mental person, biting her nails and muttering stuff to herself.

It was only about forever and a second before the door finally cracked open, and a very red-eyed and sniffling Sammy came out. I swear my heart rate stopped. I rushed over and gathered him in my arms. I whispered sweet nothings in his ear. His cries settled until it was hushed.

I continued rubbing his back and Cindy said she'd get us all some coffee. When he pulled out from my arms, I noticed his skin was slightly pale, and his face morphed into one of sadness and pain. I lead him to a chair and held his hands while he tried to compose himself.

It was a while before he finally said what I've been dying to ask, " She's okay, but they had to cut off her breasts because... she ha-had breast cancer.." he whispered, breaking down at the end.

I wrapped an arm over his shoulder and pulled him to me. I quietened him and told him a bunch of empty promises like;

It'll be okay

It'll be fine

Things will get better

It's funny that when someone is in great difficulty, we give them hope that they so desperately need to cling on, only that hope is false hope...

Cindy came back with two coffees and frozen yogurt, she handed Sammy it and gave me a coffee holding one for herself.

I sat back watching as Sammy retold the story to Cindy. All I could think about was how Sammy would cope with all this...

Oh, Sammy...

Cindy POV

After the story, I held Sammy's other hand and began to rub it in a comforting way. It helps him calm down.

The doctor returned three guess passes. She was in the intensive care unit, recuperating from the surgery. We followed the doc in and I couldn't help but let my gaze graze over Dominique a few times because he looked like he was in his own world...

We entered the room and there laid a frail and fragile woman, crimson white sheets beneath and above her. I squinted trying to get in much of the illuminate white room – which by the way looks like a psychiatric room – without hurting my eyes.

Soon after the doc left we heard a groan, we looked over and rushed to Mrs. Baker's side. The sight of her was horrible and I know it was devastating for Sammy to see his mom that way. The only thing reminding us she was alive was the occasional beeping of the IV hooked up to her.

Tears prickled my eyes and I excused myself.

"She looks like she has been through hell.." I heard a sigh than a creak, indicating someone was sitting next to me. I dried them and turned to face him.

"Yeah," I said, all the emotion drained from me.

"I hope she gets better soon..." Dominique reached up and passed his hand through his hair, flexing his muscles a little.

This made me chuckle at how lucky Sammy was to have a guy like Dominique. He loves Sammy, they just don't know yet.

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