So do you forgive us?

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{ Jace POV} 

So we went into Principal Keller’s office and then that’s when we confessed everything. I felt bad for getting them all hurt, especially CC. I feel like an asshole for sabotaging her and i think I'm starting to like her. I think she’ll hate me for what we did. 

“So boys now may i ask what happened now” He said clearly worried for the well being of the girls.

“Well when we heard that you wanted the girls to join the team we were extremely pissed so we jeopardized their chance of winning against us so they couldn’t be on the team” I said 

“Yeah so we got Matthew, Kevin and Andrew to help us and since they got rejected they wanted payback so Kevin pushed Jacks down the hilltop and when she reached the bottom she hit her head on a rock and i think she got a concussion.” Lucien said. Principal Keller’s face was shocked.

“And Matthew tried to rape Jecca but Jacks saved her just in time before Matthew actually did anything”Riven said while putting his head down.

“And lastly Andrew he set up a trap and CC ankle got twisted awkwardly and she fell to the bottom of the hill.” I added wearily.

“Boys do you you know how much danger their was in that,you just risked 2 lives and your lucky Catalina or Jacklyn didn’t fall to hard and have an instant death. So just for that ALL 6 of you are going to be sat out for 2 games plus your going to be helping out in the cafeteria on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays.Oh and before i forget the girls are on the team and we will not have any objections.” Principal Keller said sternly

“But Principal Keller i -” (gco)

“No Buts You 3 now go and get the others and try to stay out of trouble” He said still serious 

“Fine “ We all said in unison.We marched out his office got the other 3 and rode to the hospital going to explain to the girls what happened.


OMG I'm ohdhee tight. I'm in the freaking Hospital along with my best friends: me with a cast around my purple and blue swollen foot, Jacks who is in the bed next to me with a bandage around her head to stop the bleeding and Jecca who isn't in shock so much after the shot they gave her but shes just scared shitless and any little thing she hears she freaks. Just then Miguel came through the room.

“O gosh i heard about what happen, its all over campus and i know who did it.” Miguel rambled

“Who and most importantly why.” Jacks said in a low soft voice

“It all had to do with Kevin Andrew and Matthew and Lucien Jace and Riven who put them up to it.” Miguel said with disgust in his voice

“Explain Now.“ I Said 

*** 30 MINUTES LATER ***

Me Jacks and Jecca are sitting in the room talking about what were gonna do now since where injured and what am i gonna do since our suite has no elevator. Just then a knocks was heard at the door and the people we seamed to hate the most showed up. Well actually i really don't seem to hate them cause besides JC sexy ass body he seems like a nice person and the same goes for the others but they always doing something stupid to mess it up and get us mad at them.

“What are you guys doing here” I said with anger, shock and confusion in my voice. 

“Well we wanna apologize for what we did and come to see how you guys were doing.” Jace said sympathetically looking at me and came over and grabbed a chair next to me

“Aw.... wait were still mad at you guys, we found out what happened and all we wanna know is why did you guys wanna win so badly.” Jecca said with an attitude. 

“Well we haven’t had any girls on our team in a long time and we didn’t want to have it any other way since what happened a couple years ago.” Riven said taking a seat next to Jecca

“Ok we know about that but you could have just let us run and lose ourselves but calling those other 3 idiots to do it wasn’t necessary.” Jacks said

“We know that now but is their anyway we can make it up to you guys.” Lucien said

“Well yea for me anyways.” I said accepting to that quickly

“And that would be” Jace said

“Your buying me a be-dazzler for my cast plus some rhinestones, a new pair of running shoes, and your carrying me up and down the stair where ever i go,you carrying my books and listening and doing whatever i say” I say trying to think of anything else.

“Ok madam will their be anything else” Jace said trying to act like a servant.

“Nope that’s it for now” i said putting a pillow under my foot.

“What about you two” Lucien asked

“ Your listening to me and do whatever i say and carrying my stuff and me if necessary.” Jacks said 

“And you” Riven said turning to Jecca

“Um your gonna be my body guard, listen to and do whatever i say and carry my stuff” Jecca said smiling.

“Ok I'm pretty sure we can all do that but were all gonna have to chip in for ms princess over here’s be-dazzler and running shoes” Riven said 

“Watch it pretty boy and it was either that or a $500 pair of shoes take your pick.”I said i said laughing.Everything seemed to be going well for now.

{Jecca POV} 

So after getting out of the hospital, the boys actually held up to what they said they were gonna do. CC got her be-dazzler and her running shoes and now has a officially blinged out cast that she has as a bold statement to go with whatever shes wearing. Jacks and I are getting better and i feel safer but Matthew is always glaring at me when were in the cafeteria together. Riven is being actually being nicer than i thought.Feeling might be their but ill just wipe them off for now.

Today, me Jacks and CC were going to get our track uniforms. Even though CC wasn’t gonna be able to run for about another 2 weeks she still was able to join us in practice to get her foot back to normal. We went to the gym where Coach Richards was their. He gave us our uniforms and he said we were gonna be participating in the next track meet. Our uniforms looked like : . We were all glad that we were able to join but somehow inside i felt that the boys had uneasy feeling about us joining the team and that somewhere along the line our friends relationship is gonna become all competitive.

Love Chronicles: A Track Team Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now