Chapter 2: Short for Theodora

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Chapter 2:


Lo, and behold she's walking towards to me, this must be fake, my lips start to-


Yet again, my singing was disturbed. I looked to my right to see Teddy, looking at me.

I gave her my “Yes?” look.

“I’m really sorry.” She looked at the ground. She was sitting indian sit style while I was lying on my back on the grass. She was like four feet away from me.

“Mmmhmm” I just nodded. I really don’t know what to say. Sure, I’m annoyed but what's done is done.

So I guess you’re wondering what happened to me. Let’s back up a little.

Calum and I were practicing for our gig at the mall this Friday night. When this girl came giving back Calum’s guitar and Calum, being the good friend that he was, decided to bail on me and told me to bring her back to her dorm. But unfortunately we both reached lights out outside. So I’m stuck with her.

“My name’s Teddy.” She offered her hand. 

“I know.” I took her hand. I know she's in one of my classes because the teachers love to compliment and praise her and used her work as a model.

“You two were really good.” she smiled. 

“Thanks. We’ve been practicing real hard.” It's true. We all made a pact to at least touch a guitar no matter where we are or how busy we get.

“What for?”

“We’re in a band”

“It must be cool to be in a band”

“You said it.”

“So what’s this band called?” She’s trying to make conversation, I noticed.

“5 seconds of summer” I just looked straight to the sky.

“Cool” she stopped trying to ask me questions. She then sighed and put her chin on her knees. She must have sensed that I was not in the mood for chit-chats.

Now I feel really horrible. She never really did anything bad to me. It was just bad timing and Calum's fault that we're all locked out. I’ve been really harsh on her ever since she came to our room.

“So how did you know Calum?” I asked. I smiled at her. Calum never mentioned any Teddy or anything.

“I didn't know him at all until I was told to bring his guitar back.” She replied, startled that I asked her something. No, startled that I even started this conversation.

“Why’d you do that? If I were you I could have just said no like drop her like a hot potato,” I told her.

“I just couldn’t say no to my friend.” she looked at the ground again. Her hair fell to her face.

I chuckled. “So why is your name Teddy? You don’t look like a bear to me.”

“It’s short for Theodora”

I let out a laugh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh.”

“It’s okay. I always expect people to do that when they ask about my name.” She smiled. Kind of like a tired smile.

“What’s your favourite band or singer?”

She thought for a minute before answering. “Hmm, I have too many to mention.” She paused then she added, "You?"

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