Chapter 16: Strange

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Chapter 16: (The week after Camp Cherrapunji)

Luke’s POV

“Do good, man.” Calum gave me his infamous man pat before we parted ways.

I nodded. I’ll try. I already told Calum what happened back in Cherrapunji, everything, down to the last detail. He was kinda disappointed at me, but who can blame him? At least, he didn’t react like Michael did.

It was almost three-thirty which means classes would be over in a few minutes. I skipped my last class so I could catch Teddy when she gets out of her class.

“Hey, do you know what Teddy’s room right now is?” I stopped a girl with blonde hair who was walking the other way.

“Teddy who?” she asked, confused.

“You know, girl with crutches.” I rolled my eyes and told her. Teddy has been really famous as the girl with the crutches.

“Oh. Theodora, you mean. She has Hanover at room 304.” The blonde said before she left.

I yelled a thank you over my head and jogged to the third floor where Hanover’s class was going on. I also have Hanover and he just loves talking about dinosaurs which would have interested any four year old boy.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was almost 3:45.

Any minute now she would be sauntering with her crutches.


The door bang opened and a few students ran out like little lab rats. Some of them said hello and the rest ignored me like a potted plant.

Finally, I saw Teddy balancing her backpack on her left shoulder, her crutches supporting her under her arms and a few books on her right hand, coming out of the room.

As if on cue, her books fell to the ground and she tried kneeling to get them but couldn’t kneel because of her cast. I ran to her and gathered her books.

“Thank you. I can be really clumsy with or without my crutches” she joked as she tried helping me.

“It’s okay I got this.” I smiled at her.

She looked up at me with fascination like what my face does every time Mr. Odefield gives out trivias back in our school trip.

“So what are you doing outside Mr. Hanover’s class?” she asked as she trudged next to me. The hallways looked deserted now but you could hear students’ talking from other rooms, probably a meeting or something.

“Waiting for you” I told her straight up. No use denying and making up an excuse like how I was just passing by.

“How come? If you want your manual back, I will give it to you on Tuesday, I forgot them in my room.” She smiled at me. Sometimes I don’t know if she’s being sarcastic or something.

“Oh no it’s okay. You can have the manual. So where you headed?” I asked her as I transferred her books to my other arm.

“I should be going to my after school job but I got a week off because of this boo boo.” She said, pertaining to her cast.

“I’m really sorry about that.” I apologized. I couldn’t help feeling bad again. Even if I apologized to her million of times.

“It’s no big deal Luke. It’s just a cast and will be off in a few weeks.” She grinned at me with her crooked smile.

“Okay. Where’s your locker? You’re not really going to bring these books home, are you?” I said, lifting her books to emphasize it.

“Of course not. My locker’s in the second floor. B-wing.” She directed.

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