Chapter 2: Why Is She Here?

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"Danny, what a lovely surprise" I said with my legendary fake smile. "What brings you here daughter of the devil?"

"No need to be rude to your first love dear, I've come to help with the small children" Danny said.

"Ha! That's how I know you lying, you hate kids." I said.

"I don't hate them, I just don't really like snotty nose kids running around throwing toys" She said.

"You know what you make me sick, even after all these years." I said.

You see, Danny and I had dated for 2 years. I met her when I was 18 and we dated until I was 20. Until I found out that she had been cheating on me with my cousin. Out of all people she could've cheated with she chose my cousin. Ain't that some bullshit? I can tell you I did not talk to my cousin at all after that. Anyways after I found her in my apartment in my guest room layed up in the bed with my cousin I told her "Pack your stuff and get out my house, and you can guarantee I won't be taking you back this time you lying thottie." I made sure she remembered who I was and where I came from. Cause daddy ain't raise no fool best believe that. I chased her outta my house with a baseball bat and made sure all her stuff was gone so she didn't have a reason to come back. I don't play them cheating games. I'm a black girl, she better be happy I didn't tell my family they would have went after her with the entire family. I never talked to her again, she left Kansas City never to be heard from again, now 2 years later here she is.. Only for me to be looking at her directly at her face. Such a disgrace to society.

"Did you hear what I said doll face."

"No I didn't you ass, and don't call me doll face." I said. "What really brings you back to Kansas City? Nobody comes back here unless they want or need something"

"Well I came back because of aunt." She said.

"Wait, Auntie Ella?"

"Yeah, I came back to tell you something about her......"

"What happened to Auntie Ella?" I demanded.

"When we broke up," She said that as if it pained her but she continued "I had moved out there to Atlanta with her, but after 6 months she was diagnosed with leukemia.... She tried to hang in there, she fought so hard, she just couldn't make it.... She passed away, 4 months ago. I tried contacting you for the funeral but you never picked up. When she was on her death bed she told me to come back and give this to you." She then handed me an envelope." If you need me, I'll be at the Saint Marriott Hotel on 108th. Bye Aqua."

She left with tears in her eyes, and I was standing there clutching the envelope with all my heart. I loved Auntie Ella as if she were my own. When Danny and I first got together, her aunt still lived here in Kansas City, but she later moved to Atlanta for a better life. Her and I were so close, she showed me baby pictures of Danny and we would laugh at them together while Danny would just sit next to me with her arms around me and be embarrassed but none the less would laugh with us.

I took this time that I still have before the kids at the center came and opened up the envelope... Inside was a letter, it read:

Dear My Beautiful Aquamarine,

You are a gift from god himself. Don't be sad that I'm gone still know I'm still with you in spirit, I'm with you as you read this letter now. You grew up to become a beautiful young lady, I have so much faith in you my dear. Take care of Daniellaa she needs you now more than ever. I know her cheating on you was stupid as hell but she regretted so much. She told me what happened and I think you should hear her out. Give her a chance to explain. There's a gift I left to you and Daniellaa. The address is 1444 East Oak Way Drive. Take Daniellaa with you when you go to get the gift. It is there in Kansas City. Don't dwell on the fact that I'm gone, focus on what's yet to come dear. You are all my sweet Danny has left. Protect her, even if she acts tough and like she can handle it on her own, don't trust what she says, she needs you, and you need her. You two need to sit down and talk about EVERYTHING. I love you so much sweeite, I know you have great things ahead for you. Shine bright like a diamond baby.


Auntie Ella

I decided I can visit the kids sometime later this week. I got in my car and headed somewhere I never though I'd go while I was in Kansas City.

"Welcome to the Saint Marriott Hotel, Can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Daniellaa Thomas."

"Room 423 Sweetheart" He said.

"Thank you."

I made my way to her room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Open the damn door" I said


"Grab your jacket, and lets go"

"Where are we going?" She asked

"To find Auntie's gift" I said.

She smiled that smile that I fell for 4 years ago and we made our way to find the gift Auntie left us....

This is gonna be fun, I thought.

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