Chapter 13: Are You Kidding Me?

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Did these stupid idiots seriously leave me here?! I mean leave us here.... I went to lay down on the couch with one arm over my face the other over my stomach while I tried to calm myself. Nothing good can come from this.

"What does this note mean?" Tati said. I moved my arm and looked up at her to see her staring down at me.

"Nothing, just ignore it, okay?" I told her.

"No. There is no way in hell you're using that one me" She said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"The Fault In Our Stars. You can't do that. We only did that when we were together." She told me. I realized what she was talking about. When we were friends after we broke up, we went to go see "The Fault In Our Stars" after we came from seeing the movie when we were talking I had told her "Perhaps okay can be always" From then on we always said okay? okay. But in all honesty I don't know why she's freaking out over that . I ignored her and turned around on the couch.

"Just forget it." I said.

"No, I'm not going to forget it." She said.

"Well I'm going to ignore you then." I said.

"No you're not" She said.

Instead of responding to her I got off the couch and headed upstairs to the bedroom. I lock the door behind me. 2 seconds later I heard banging on the bedroom door. 

"Stop banging on the damn door! Before I come out there and bang yo head through the door!" I yelled at her. She continued banging on the door. "Stop playing with me dude." I told her. She continued to bang on the door. That was it, I was so done with her. I swung the door open and grabbed her by her throat and slammed her into the wall opposite of the door. She started to claw at my hand that was around her neck, but it was doing nothing to me. I looked at her.

"Why do you always test me? I'm not an abusive person but when I say stop, what are you supposed to do?" I ask her. She didn't say anything. "What are you supposed to do?!!" I yelled at her while slamming her into the wall again. 

"I'm supposed to stop!" She yelled at me. 

"Good you know. Now leave me alone." I said to her. I took my hand off her throat and she fell to the floor . I went back in the room and closed the door. I leaned up against the door and slowly sat down on the floor. I pulled my legs up too my chest and just sat there with my heads in my hands. I was starting to become like my father. I couldn't let that happen. For the time being I got up and went to lay face down on the bed. I eventually drifted off too sleep.

Tati's P.O.V.

After that encounter with Auqa I knew she was going to get emotional and fall asleep so I let her be. Instead I went downstairs to cook. I cooked Pork Chops, Macaroni & Cheese, mashed potatoes, green beens, and for dessert I cooked chocolate chip, peanut butter brownies. it took me a while to cook so I knew she was asleep. I make my way upstairs and open the door. I look to see her layed out on the bed. I went and sat on the side of the bed. I put my hand against her face. She looked so innocent. Why couldn't she just stay looking innocent.

"Auqa, wake up." I shook her a little bit. She stirred awake and looked up at me. She took her hand and and held it up against my throat briefly touching the hand marks that were left there. 

"I'm so sorry" She said getting teary eyed. " I never want to be like him" She told me. 

"It's okay sweetie, I know." I told her as softly as I could. "Come downstairs and we can talk about it"

She gets up and we walk down the stairs with me leading to the kitchen. I already had her plate mad and ready. 

"Do you want water or lemonade?" I ask her.

"Water is fine." She said to me.

I poured her a glass of water and put it on the table. I made my plate and sat down with her at the table. 

" I.. Uhh.. I think it's time to take my braids down can you help me after we eat?" She asks me. 

"Yeah, I'll help you." I told her. 

"Look, about what happened earlier...." I cut her off and said, " We don't need to talk about it, let it go. You're not him, you never were him, and you will never be him, do you understand me?" 

She nodded her head and continued eating her food. I finished mine and a couple minutes later she finished hers. 

"Let's go in the living room to take your braids down and we can put on a movie." I told her. I then ran upstairs to get the things we need which was the comb, scissors, and a plastic bag. She sat on the floor with her back to the couch and she had already put on the movie. I sat on the couch behind her while starting to take down her braids. I looked to see what movie she put on and it was "Me and Earl and The Dying Girl."  We started watching the movie laughing when it was due and crying at the end. By the end of the movie half of the braids were taken down. 

"Let me take a break. You want a brownie?" I asked her. 

"Two please." She told me. I went into the kitchen and washed my hands then got the brownies out of the oven. I put 3 on one plate and 2 on the other and grabbed two glasses of milk. I walked out into the living room and set the tray on the table in front of Aqua. She grabs her plate and starts eating the brownies. 

"What movie are we watching next" I asked her legs crossed sitting on the couch behind her. 

"You'll see" She told me. Then I heard it. The movie I haven't heard in years.. I looked up and saw it. We were watching "The Fault In  Our Stars". I finished my snack and finished taking down her hair. By the end of the movie all her hair was taken down and you could see her curly natural hair. 

She turned to me and look me in my eyes. "Perhaps okay can still be our always." She said. 

"Okay?" I asked her as I looked in her eyes.

Aqua's P.O.V.

"Okay" I told her. 

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