Chapter 4: An Explanation

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We got back in my car and headed to my apartment. The entire ride back I couldn't do anything besides drive and wonder why that was our gift. I kept pondering the thought of why. We make it to my apartment and I see a note on the door step. It has my name on it but no return address or anything else. I pick it up but I still have no clue who could've sent it. While Danny is waiting outside in my car I go and pack my things, to spend the night at the hotel with Danny. I pack a few shirts, bottoms, and my bras, panties and other essentials I may need. Before I head back to the car I sit down and decide to read the letter that I had found on my doorstep.

Dear A,

I have known you for a while now. I see it in your eyes the way you've been hurt. I can protect you. From all the bad and hurtful things in life. No you don't know me. But I know who you are. My beautiful angel. Let me help you, I know I can save you. Please. Let me help.



Is it a bad thing that I think this letter is sweet. I run to put the letter in a shoe box that I hid in my closet where I put all of my memories. I go grab my bag and head back to the car after I lock up the apartment. When I get to the car I see Danny in the driver's seat.

"Uhm, Daniellaa..... What in the hell are you doing? Get back in the passenger seat" I said

"No, I want to take you somewhere first." She said

"Take me where? I don't trust you like that bro" I said

"Get. In. The. Car." She said.

"Fine, even though I still don't trust you" I said

I put my bag in the back seat, and hop in the car and we make our way to wherever she's taking me. As we drive I notice this familiar path. But I'm not quite sure I'm thinking straight since I read that note back at the apartment.

"No, you are not taking me there." I say as if she were stupid.

"Oh yes, I am." Her idiotic self says.

"Why?" I ask completely clueless.

"Just shut up" She says.

I let out an annoyed sigh and sit back and shut up for the rest of the ride. I still didn't tell you where she was taking me, did I? Oh right, she's taking me to the place we had first met and had our first date. Why? I don't know, and guess what time she's taking me there......... At sunset just like our first date.

I turn and look at Danny driving the car and think about everything thing she had ever done for me. She was my rock, I was there for her and she was there for me. I loved her family and her family loved me. The fact that we had split up over something like that truly hurt me. My heart ached to lay next to her again. To ask her how her day was and watch the way her eyes brightened every time I asked her a question or when we would have a movie marathon and stay up late at night, and she would cook breakfast for dinner. We were inseparable, I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. While I was so deep in thought I didn't realize we had arrived to our destination.

"We're here" She said.

"Clearly you stupid dodo bird" I said.

"Don't get smart, you know you wasn't paying attention to me, and you already know how I get when you get smart with me so shut all that down now." She said.

Did I forget to mention she's a control freak! Well not exactly a control freak more like someone who knows how to put me in my place and I don't like that at all.

"Whatever" I said. "African booty scratch-er" I added under my breath.

"What was said?" She said/asked.

"Nothing at all doll face" I said.

She studied my face for a long time before she finally just turned around and walked past me. "Follow me" She said. I didn't even argue because I knew if I did she would shut me down in a heartbeat. "I brought you here, because there is something you need to see." She said.

I followed her down a path and through some trees. We then stopped at one big oak tree in the middle of it all. She stopped at the tree and I just looked at her. "You brought me here to look at a tree" I said as if she were a stupid person. "No, I wrote something in this tree the day we had our date and you didn't know it. Read." She said.

I looked at the tree and in cursive writing it said. "Those who crawl aren't ready yet. Those who walk aren't in a hurry, and those who run are ready for the world. I've been running to you because you are my world. I love you Aquamarine Diamond Pathway. " By the time I am done reading I am in tears. Then I realize something.










I am still in love with Daniellaa.

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