Chapter 9: Home Sweet Home, Or Is It?

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Before heading home I decided to stop at Target to get 1 pink T-shirt and 1 black T-shirt. Why just buy 2 random T-shirts you ask? It's because I'm going to take these two shirts and get Erica and I's selfie on the back and on the front in cursive writing  it's going to say forever & always. I'm going to get the shirts made and then get home and get ready for my English class. Since getting the shirts made wasn't that much of a process I'm just going to skip to me getting home. My class was at 4:00 So I had a couple of hours to get ready since it was 2:00. Before I hopped in the shower I put the shirt for Erica in her closet by the time she got home she would notice it because everything in her closet is in color order so if I put the black shirt with the orange items she's going to notice. I put a sticky note on the hanger too that said 'for you'. I strip out of all my clothes and get in the shower. Only girls will understand how hard it is to shave certain areas, you have to throw that leg up in the side of the tub, and move around and lordy it's just so difficult. 

I finish my business in the shower and hop out. I put my towel around my body and go to my phone, I turn on the radio on it. I brush my teeth and then go pick out my clothes. I choose some floral patterned shorts with a pink button down and a black blazer for shoes I choose some black low top converse with pink laces. I hop in my car and head to school. I make it there and have to rush into the school before I'm late. I bust through the doors and everyone turns to look at me since it's dead quiet.

"Nice of you to join us Ms.Pathway" Professor Dunn says.

"Nice to be here Professor Honey Bun" I said smiling.

"Very funny, have a seat." She said.

Professor Dunn is a 30 year old black professor. She is fine as can be for an older lady. We really don't know anything about her besides that. 

"Before I was rudely interrupted," She said looking at me and me being who I am just winked at her. She rolled her eyes and continued speaking. "Today we start talking about the 27 amendments and their purpose. For this week we will be talking about the first 10 amendments but right now we will be talking about the 1st amendment, Can anyone tell me what the 1st amendment is?" Everyone raised their hands and I just sat there with a blank facial expression knowing  what the Professor is going to do. 

"Ms.Pathway why don't you stand up and tell the class what the first amendment is" Professor Dunn said. You see, I'm the kid who sits in class, doesn't answer questions, doesn't go up to the board but I maintain a 4.0 GPA. I stand up with a smug smile on my face. "Well Professor and fellow peers the 1st amendment is that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." I look around and see multiple people with stupid looks on their faces. I roll my eyes. "In layman's term it means all citizens have the right to say what they want, be whatever religion, have the right to protest, and complain to the government." I said. 

"Why thank you for that explanation Ms.Pathway, Now let's talk about the purpose" Professor Dunn said.

After 3 full hours, 3 pages of notes, and multiple questions I can finally go home. "Ms.Pathway I need to speak to you for a moment" "Sure" I told her. 

I make my way down to her desk where she is waiting for me. "Yes Professor Dunn?" I ask as I sit on her desk. She gets up and walks around to where I'm sitting. Let em explain to you how fine my professor is. She is 5"9,  light skin has hair down to her butt. She wore a black button down with black slacks and black dress shoes. Yes she's a stud if you haven't caught on by now. She stood in between my legs and grabbed my booty. "It's been a minute since we did this" She said. I nodded my head to agree with her. Sooo I have been seeing my professor only since last year though. Nothing too serious and no Erica doesn't know. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. I know I'm being hoe but I truly don't care. Girls just want to have fun. 

"I don't think I can do this though."I told her.

"Why not? Any other time you would rather do this. Am I right Ms.Pathway?" She said putting her hand in my shorts. I took her hand out of my shorts and got up off the desk. "We, aren't going to happen ever again. I am in a relationship and I'm finally happy. See you later Ahsha." I said using her first name. I pull out my phone and call Bella. 

BellyBell: You order Chinese?

Me: No I ordered Domino's.

BellyBell: Wassup girl 

Me: Just got out of class, where you at?

BellyBell: I'm at Tae's, but we have a problem.

Me: What is it?

BellyBell: Tatyianna is here.

Me: Tatyianna Wilson. My ex?

BellyBell: Yeah her.

Me: Why is she there?

BellyBell: She came here looking for you

Me: Man, damn I'm on my way let me swing by my house and change clothes.

BellyBell: Ight girl.

I hang up the phone and hop in my car real quick and head home. I see Erica's car so I know she's home. I go up the stairs and unlock my door. I see her on the couch in basketball shorts and a sports bra so I'm guessing she went hooping earlier. I go and jump on her before I go change because if I come home and she's sleep and I get my stuff then leave she whines like a little ass kid because she get so worried. I give her a kiss and she semi wakes up. "Babe, I need to go to Bell's so I'm going to change then head over there and I'm not cooking tonight so what do you want me to pick up while I'm out?"  I say to her. 

"Hello to you too. I don't know what I want so get me whatever." She said and kissed me on my forehead.

"Okay, so if I come back with something you probably don't like, you better not say nothing." I said. She nodded her head and I hopped off of her and went to change. I grabbed so red joggers, a black T-shirt, and my all black vans. I took out my bun and left the braids in a ponytail. I grabbed my diamond studd earrings and put those in. I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet and I was out. "Bye babe." I said before I closed the door to humble home and locked it. I went to my car and sped of to Bell's place. I bust through the door being dramatic.

"Where the b*tch at!?" I yelled through the house. 

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