Snow White

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(Victor's POV:)

School finally ends and I wait outside the door for Keona. I look around analzing my surroundings and I notice Isaiah right behind me and my eyes widen from his jump scare. I turn to face him and he states calmly " You know that girl you've been hanging out with lately"

"Yeah, what about it, I'm waiting for her right now"

" why do you hang out with her more than us, we never hang out anymore man. We were like brothers but now I your like a whole different person" he responds. I feel anger built inside me and my face turns red and my knuckles white. I look into his eyes and see him go from clam to kind of scared.

" Bro calm down geez, what is up with you" he sighs. My eyebrows furrow and I shout " WHAT'S IT TO YAH BRUH, HOW BOUT YOU BUZZ OFF" I watch Isiah go quiet and his eyes widen with his lips mouthing ' stop screaming'. I stop yelling at him and I turn around to what he's looking at and I see Keona. Her face read sadness and a little fear but mostly shocked. The sun rays laid on her hair and made her look red-headed, her eyes are bigger than usual and her rosy cheeks are gone. "Vi-victor, what's going on, why are you yelling at him" she asks. I let my anger fade away and I feel chills down my spine as I watch her walk up to me and I hear Isaiah run away, but I don't care about him anymore. I continue to watch Keona as every step she made the sun got more and more on her. I start to catch myself walking to her now. We become nose to nose now, well more like stomach to stomach because of how short she is. I start to feel this jumpy feeling in my chest and almost like.......happiness. I just like want to be romantic and act different. I start to smile wide, and widen enough to show my teeth and I catch myself and I close my mouth and I make a straight face. Keona smiles bigger and shows her big teeth and jokes

" You don't have to act all macho with me, its stupid when you do that" I nod my head in agreement and I ask her "You wan to maybe........" "What just tell me Victor" she blurts out. "Would you like to go on a ......uhhhh" I stutter and I watch her become pissed and I groans "Just say it already Victor. I'm hanging out with my squad today so just tell me now"..............."WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME" I shout, I watch Keona I with full participation . "Ye-e" she trys to make out but "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, WHY ARE YOU WANNTING TO GO OUT WITH THAT SLUT" I hear a bitchy voice shout and I turn to the owner of the voice and what a surprise, not. we look and see Brittany. I roll my eyes and I screech " HOW BOUT YO-" I get cut off by "GO AWAY BRITTANY NONE OF US WANT YOU HERE RIGHT SO PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE" I hear Keona shout.

I watch Brittany roll her eyes in disgust and pure envy and she laughs grossly and sighs "Why would anyone want to fuck you, let alone date you" she sneers to Keona. I watch Keona's eyes go from a little annoyed to pure hate and anger, something I've never seen before. It's scary but kind of cute.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" Keona shouts. Brittany rolls her eyes again but before she can make out her laugh again Keona's fist slams into Brittany's caked make up face, making all her mascara smear , her blush smear to her chin, her lipstick on her nose and her eye browns on her forehead where her scalp is. I drop my jaws and look at Keona, who seems to get out all her anger from that one punch. I grab Keona's hand and look at her knuckles and see no marks only make up remains from Brittany's face. We watch Brittany recover from the hit and Keona gets ready to hit he again but refuses. She looks at Brittany up and down and looks a down as if she felt bad for her. Brittany is an envious slut, Keona is the opposite, I can see why Keona would feel bad for her. "Yes I will go out with you, but tonight I'm hanging out with my squad, I will be able to on Saturday, see you then" Keona continues to tell me and she kisses my cheek before jogging over to her where all her friends stand to wait for her around her car. I start to notice that all her friends are staring at me as if ' you hurt her, we hurt you'.

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