New Girl

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Victor's POV:

(8:00 A.M.)

I arch my back to stretch out the cracks from my back as I wake up. I turn my head to thew clock to check the time , my eyes drop and so does my mouth.


and I run to my closet and grab the most random things my hands could grab and I run to school before I could be late.

(At School Before Bell Rings)

I run to the bathroom and grab my comb and slick my hair back and I change into my usual clothing and I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste from my backpack and I wash my face quickly and wake up from the water against my face and I dry off. I walk back to the mirror and smirk at myself.

"Hm. Even in a rush I still look good"

I smoothly walk out of the boys bathroom and make way over to my first period class, for the first time I didn't ditch first period. Damn. Hey it might be worth it. I walk in being the last one to enter the classroom and I see my teacher, Mr. Anderson, standing next to a girl I've never seen before. When I look at all the students they are whispering and gossiping about what's happening. The girl is long with red-ish brown hair and has a big ass, I can only se the back of her because her back is to me, talking to Mr. Anderson. After they are done talking Mr. A takes a step in front of her and announces,

" Hello everybody, good morning we have a new student today and her name is..."

and Mr. A stretches his hand out let the new student know to introduce themselves. She turns around and my mouth drops to the fucking floor.

" My name is Keona" she says filled with innocents

She has big brown soft eyes , big boobs, big butt, red rosy cheeks, small freckles, red and brown straight hair and big strong teeth when she'd open her mouth, she is really short, White skin, big eyelashes and has big muscular thighs.......Track much."Keona you can go sit in the empty seat next to......*eyes roll* Victor" Mr. A informed to Keona.

YES! She is HOT LIKE A WILD FIRE! Keona looks around to find me so she can sit in the empty eat next to me. I raise my hand and pat eh seat next to me and smirk. She smiles and quickly walks over to the empty seat and sits down. She places everything in order on her desk and fixes her floral dress when she sits in the chair. I keep looking at her and staring. She starts to notice and looks at me straight in the eye

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she asks.

Damnit! She said something!

"Wha...I'm not staring at you" I answer sheepishly.

I look around and notice that Isaiah is looking at me with a shocked expression on his face and lips

"Bro, why are you acting like that"

I shrug my shoulders as Mr. A walks by to check on Keona to see if she needs help and as he walks away he stops by my shoulders.

"Nice to finally see you in class Mr. Williams and good luck, also help the new student with her work and partner work okay" Mr. A whispers

I nod my head in agreement and start working, I look at Keona's work to see how she's doing every thing in detail perfectly and smoothly and I look at the front board to reexamine the directions.

"Okay I know that this is a early assignment, but I want the person your sitting next to is going to be your partner for this science project that you will have 3 weeks to get finished and the project is to find examples on how balanced and unbalanced can effect the force there is on an object" Mr. A explains.

I turn to Keona and make a small smile to start to finally introduce myself.....this is not usual I don't like this feeling, it's sucky.

"Hey I'm Victor, Mr. A wanted me to be your partner if we had any projects " I talk out smoothly and sexy as I can.

"I'm Keona, Victor can you show me around the school because this is my second day here and no one helped me around or anything yesterday?" she chirps while smiling widely.

Class ends and Keona and I walk out the class room and I watch my buds wait outside in the hallway for me and when they see the new girl next to me. Freaking Isaiah is laughing, Shane is jaw-dropped and Jack and Danny are making kissy faces. I shoot a glare at them and pull Keona's arm away from them and start giving her the tour. I take her by the wrist and I guideher in front of the bathrooms, front office, class rooms. I am getting really tried of this tour though, every second we walk by everyone that was in sight was staring at Keona . Looking up and down at her and trying to talk to her. She is very talkative and bubbly and she her smile would get bigger when someone would make her laugh. I tried flirting with her but she seemed clueless but I kind of liked her being clueless of that. her innocents made her even more attractive. Finally when the tour was over I asked her

"Where are we going to start the project at"

"Ummm I don't know but I'm really excited on starting this project with you" she responds in a joyful voice.

I'm shocked by her words and I watch her swing her arms back and forth and her dress moves in circle shapes. I grab her arms and twirl her in a circle to make her giggle and I watch her rosy cheeks enhance. We hear the last bell of the day ring and I say

"How come your come your so excited about this and I think we can start tonight at my house, wear something comfy"

Keona nods her head and smiles and respond

"You seem like a interesting person" she responds and she tugs my arm down and kisses my cheek softly and whispers "Thank you for helping me".

And she walks away into a white Mozda where I assume her mother

picked her up from the front of the school and she waves to me and they drive away.   

        I'm not going to say anything but I'm.....excited too.

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