The Project

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(Later that night on her way to Victor's house )

Keona's POV:

I get into sweatpants and T-shirt and have my mom drive me to Victor's house. I'm so nervous right now, this is my first time going to a boy's house and my mom doesn't even know what it's Victor's house I told her that it was a GIRL classmate from school. I hear the car tires stop and I look out side to big white house that's 2 stories high. I turn to my mom and hug her and thank her for dropping me off. I step out the car and wait till' she drives outside the street and I speed walk over to the front door and I ring the door bell. I think Victor is nice and very handsome but the first moment I looked at him I could tell that he breaks hearts, I like him a little, I'm trying not to but I just can't help it. I know that he's trying to sleep with me but that's not going to happen, just hell no.

I keep ringing the doorbell until I see a sleepy and tired Victor answer the door. You can tell that he was sleeping. I look at him up and down and see what he's ....naked JUST KIDDING. His black hair is everywhere but still looks in shape, he's wearing grey joggers on, no shirt and you can see his muscles, and perfect V-line. He looks at me and his eyes widen like 2 coconuts and I say

"Did I come at a wrong time Victor you look busy"

He clears his throat and responds

"No Keona its fine I just fell asleep"

He opens the door and lets me in and everything and everything is clean and perfectly in place and he guides me to the kitchen with all our science class materials needed for the materials. I sit down and ask

"So where's your parents"

"My dad is still at work and my sister is in her room" he responds

"What about your mom" I say to continue the conversation.

He doesn't say anything but only have a confused and sad face and turns his head to me and ask

"What's a 'mom'"

I drop my jaw and I then I quickly hide it from him by smiling and I say

"Never mind Victor, where did you get your name it's every rare to hear a name like yours"

"My dad told me some slut named Roseanna named me it but I never met the Roseanna girl so I don't know really, where did you get your name" he responds uninterested.

"It's a Hawaiian name" I respond to stop the conversation

I grab cardboard and a black marker and start to write on the cardboard about what science forces effect an object. Victor starts to draw pictures of objects having force being put on them and we both do our work in silence. Then his phone starts going off by someone named 'Brittany' calling him. Victor angrily rolls his eyes and answers the phone leaving into another room but talks loud enough to where I can hear him and the person who is on the phone clearly.

(Victor's POV:)

That slut is calling me, DAMNIT. I was enjoying working on the project with Keona. Brittany just won't stop will she.

" What do you want Brittany" I say to her over the phone

"I want to know why you were with that fat girl all day today, she's so ugly why did you hang out with her" Brittany responds with jealousy and disgusts in her voice.

"She's a new student hear and its non of you business and why do you care, your just a slut I hooked up. You shouldn't even be bothering me so go away, that girl that I was hanging out with today is wonderful so fuck off and if you bother her I will tell everyone show the principle pictures of you having sex with one of the teachers" I shout at her through the phone filled with anger.

I hang up before she speaks and I think to myself 'Did I just protect Keona'. I walk back outside to Keona and see her packing her stuff with worry and fear in her eyes when she sees me and yelps

"I'm sorry Victor, all I've done so far here is cause trouble I'll go see you in the morning"

"Keona don't leave you didn't cause anything, believe me please stay and finish the project please" I beg her.

She runs for the door and I run after her and I pick her up and I close and lock the door so she can't leave and I sit her in the chair.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT" she screams at me.

"I didn't want you to leave, and I know you want to stay" I lightly growl.

She looks at me and smiles with her cheeks getting more rosy. She begins to start working on the project, gluing everything together, writing and pasting pictures on and we finally finish and I look at the clock and it's 1 a.m. I turn my face to Keona and say

"You can't walk home not now and I know your parents are sleeping"

"Victor calm down I'll be okay" Keona responds

"Oh hell no, you aren't going anywhere, your spending the night here" I protest and I pick Keona up and flop her onto the couch . I hand her pillows and blankets and I look at her wrapped up like a caterpillar and I see that she's in a weird position. I walk up to her and pick her up again and I carry her to my room and lay her on my bed and I jog downstairs and fall onto the couch thinking 'What am I going to do when Keona wakes up in the morning. I run to my sister's room and grab some of her clothes I think would fit Keona and I lay them next to her on the bed ande I go back downstairs and fall asleep on the couch.

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