How the Signs Dress

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Aries: They can go from leather jackets to floral shirts, and they'll own it. Usually the preppiest too.

Taurus: Baggy things. Whether it be sweats, sweaters, or mom jeans, they got it.

Gemini: Whatever seems the most comfortable at the moment. Could be a band shirt from a concert three years ago or could be could be the outfit they spent a lot of money on last week.

Cancer: Always so professional no matter what the occasion. Even their sweatpants look nice.

Leo: Dressed up almost all the time, but still appropriate for whatever situation. Wears whatever if it makes them feel good.

Virgo: Really nice, but always oddly casual.

Libra: Probably the most modern/ minimalistic of all the signs. Lots of monochrome and neutral colors effortlessly dressed up.

Scorpio: Bold or comfy, but always perfectly refined.

Sagittarius: They are best at semi casual. They always look so good and never complain because of this.

Capricorn: I've seen them wear anything from boho/hippie stuff to just plain skinny jeans and t-shirts. They never look dull no matter what.

Aquarius: The same sweatpants and sweatshirts everyday.

Pisces: Whatever makes them happy. Usually lots of jewelry.

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora