What the Signs Can Learn From an Aries

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Aries: It's not fun being constantly interrupted, talked over, or one-upped.

Taurus: How to make split-second decisions, when situations demand it.

Gemini: The power of physical stamina in addition to mental stamina.

Cancer: How to get mad instead of getting sad.

Leo: Leading from the background can be just as rewarding as leading from the foreground.

Virgo: How to be less critical of your partners (and yourself).

Libra: How to fight for your beliefs, rather than being the peacekeeper.

Scorpio: It's possible to be optimistic without being blindly so. Pessimism can be just as blinding, if not kept in check.

Sagittarius: "Independent" and "alone" are not synonyms.

Capricorn: How to have fun and not care about what others think.

Aquarius: How to take pride in your most radical of notions.

Pisces: How to believe in yourself.
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I'm posting in the spirit of having 20k reads! Thank you so much guys! I LOVE YOU ALL. <3

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora