Aesthetics For the Signs

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Aries: Converse, winged eyeliner, sassiness, hot sunshine, driving 100 miles an hour, red sky in the morning, passionate kisses, 3 A.M. phone calls, falling asleep to the sun rising.

Taurus: Roses, open fields, the way hot coffee warms your hands in the wintertime, first kisses, falling in love with your best friend, romance, Lana del Rey, falling asleep to light rain.

Gemini: Midnight conversations, the hot pavement on your bare feet, bright yellow, old books, genuine smiles, the desire to stay forever young, spring time, laughing until your stomach hurts.

Cancer: Love songs, the way your pillow feels after a long day, hot chocolate, forehead kisses, weddings, holding hands for the first time, friendship.

Leo: Summertime, sand in your shoes, going out with your best friends, theater and movies, spontaneous make outs, cuddling, gold, messy braids, professions of love, warmth.

Virgo: Black coffee, random acts of kindness, perfectly clean sheets, the comfort of sleeping next to someone you love, light drizzle, 2 A.M. honesty, rare smiles, grandparents, the inexpressible warmth from doing something nice for someone else.

Libra: Flirtation, inside jokes, movie star beauty, expensive price tags, playful kisses, pillow fights, long hair, pink nail polish, bubbliness, pastels, linking pinkies, sneaking out to see your crush, springtime.

Scorpio: Smudged mascara, kissing away the tears, the darkness of a night without stars, all the planets, forbidden love, calling the person you said you wouldn't, deep stares, breaking up, thunderstorms, running in the pouring rain.

Sagittarius: Worn out tennis shoes, airports, summer flings, telling the truth, fearlessness, adrenaline rush, late night adventures, the sun coming out from behind the clouds, iced coffee, dancing in a storm, endless optimism.

Capricorn: Blizzards, libraries, the reflection of streetlights on fresh snow, getting up early to work, locking eyes on the subway, letting loose after a long week, money and success, fear of falling in love, sitting in the car as rain hits the window shield, the transition of fall into winter.

Aquarius: The unknown, mythology, drunkenly kissing your friends, freedom, getting in the car and just leaving it all behind, opening your eyes underwater, the stars breaking through a black night, lip biting.

Pisces: Heartbreak, drunken confessions of love, impulsive 5 A.M. texts, locking yourself away, deep-rooted beliefs, rock music, quick heartbeat, destroying a hotel room, hanging off the balcony, goodbyes.
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