Where the Signs Would Haunt

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Aries: Old churches, mostly knocking stuff on the floor or hitting sour notes on the old piano.

Taurus: Favorite restaurant or local bakery, every once in a while some cake vanishes.

Gemini: GameStop/BestBuy, switching out the demos for full games.

Cancer: Video store (rom-com section), throwing bad movies at bad people.

Leo: Pet store, unlocking cages to free the trapped animals.

Virgo: Designer clothing stores, switching price tags so everyone can afford to be fabulous.

Libra: Probably haunting your house right now, you wouldn't even know. They just move stuff to where you can find it.

Scorpio: Also video stores, putting DVDs in another movie container.

Sagittarius: Abandoned factories, trying to start the machines again.

Capricorn: Haunts graveyards because nobody told them they could haunt other places.

Aquarius: Old farm houses, making floors squeak in the middle of the night-they don't mean to do it, it just happens.

Pisces: Sea caves, lures travelers in and drowns them because they were feeling alone.

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I may or may not still be in the Halloween spirit. So, what's your favorite holiday?

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora