What the Signs Search on Google

647 39 21

Aries: "Description of the best sign, Aries"

Taurus: "Pictures of kittens and sofas"

Gemini: "How to say poop in french/korean/russian"


Leo: "What's the coolest emoji to use on a daily basis"

Virgo: "Watch anime online free 2015"

Libra: "How to recognize a true friend"

Scorpio: "How to delete your facebook account"

Sagittarius: "How to win the lottery"

Capricorn: "What's some interesting stuff to do when bored"

Aquarius: "What does it mean to have a life outside tumblr"

Pisces: "What's the name of the song that goes like lalalala"
• • •
I posted twice in a day because I'm just so happy I have Monday off! Also, this was a really fun chapter. Speaking of fun chapters...well this isn't really related to fun chapters, but I have a cool cover book you should totally check out. Some of you might remember that I already had one, but I wasn't liking it that much and decided to restart. This might be the third time I've tried to make these but was never satisfied. I hope this time is the last. Anyway, please check it out, and I know, I do a lot of shameless advertising in here.

Q&A: Where do you guys live? (Sorry if this sounds creepy.)
I'm in Germany by the way. :)

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora