Likes & Dislikes

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Likes: Noise, excitement, danger, satire.
Dislikes: Peace and quiet, monotony, hypocrisy, injustice.

Likes: Comfort of any kind, including good food, good company, luxury, and high-quality retail therapy.
Dislikes: Change, uncertainty, being hurried, feeling cold, hungry or uncomfortable.

Likes: Anything to do with words: books, theatre, journalism, the Internet, puzzles, and games.
Dislikes: Peace and quiet, feeling bored or lonely, people who don't listen or whose opinions are rigid.

Likes: Home, anything to do with water, items of sentimental value, good food.
Dislikes: The limelight, emotional independence in others.

Likes: Applause, shopping, good food, wine, the arts, the opera, anything with passion and verve.
Dislikes: Put downs, being laughed at, 'mousey' people, attempts at budgetary control.

Likes: Making lists, neatness and order, arts and crafts.
Dislikes: Mess, dirt, disorganization, immodest behavior in others, noise.

Likes: Peace and harmony, a pleasing environment, the arts.
Dislikes: Hassle arguments, differences of opinion.

Likes: Anything mysterious, clandestine or taboo, dangerous sports, planning revenge.
Dislikes: Personal exposure, change.

Likes: Travel, freedom, wide-open spaces, the company of good friends.
Dislikes: Being tied down, routine.

Likes: Certainty, order, rules and regulations.
Dislikes: Muddle, inefficiency, rebels.

Likes: Chaos, change, innovative technology, next year's fashion.
Dislikes: Dull conformity, rules and regulations, routine, last week's fashions.

Likes: Anything romantic, artistic and mystical, music, theatre and the arts, the sea.
Dislikes: Detail, time constraints, reality, telling the truth when it's going to hurt someone.

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