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7 years ago....

*(M/n) at 10 years old *

" hey Naruto let's have a race to see who is the fastest runner the first one there get to eat ramen and the loser has to pay for it." You shout as you are walking with Sakura, Naruto and Sasake. Naruto shouts back " it's on (M/n)!" You smirked and bend down onto your one knee and say" On your marks..." Naruto gets on his one knee and says " Get set..." you look forward and so does Naruto. Sakura faceplam herself as we shout" Go " like lightning, we were gone leaving Sakura and Sasake behind.

Sakura yells " hey wait up you two! " as she ran after us. Sasake sighs and says " when will those two ever learn?" And runs as well.


Kakashi is waiting for us on the training ground. He was busy reading his favorite book' we all know what it is xD'. He hears footsteps running towards him in the distance. He sighs as he put his book away and says" that must be (M/n) and Naruto having a race again. Those two!" He chuckles to himself. He folds his arms as he watches the cloud of dust coming towards him. It stops and he sees you and Naruto.

You shout" yes I won! Ramen here I come " Naruto says " no I won so that means you will be paying for the ramen. " you say" No you will, I won fair and square." Naruto looks at Kakashi and says" Kakashi Sensei who won?" Kakashi shakes his head and says " you both came here at the same time..." we both look at each other saying at the same time " No it can't be! "

Kakashi chuckle as he sees Sakura and Sasake arrive there. He says" Okay (M/n) and Naruto we have to train now, you guys can after training sort out who is paying and who will be eating." You both nod at Kakashi. He pulls out a bell and says " okay this is your training for today. Each of you must try and get this bell out of my hand without harming me." He goes sit down and holds the bell in hand while he reads his book. You look at Kakashi and you study him as Sakura, Sasake and Naruto are trying to get the bell out of Kakashi's hand.

You decided to use shadow clone jitsu. You disappeared as you were one of your shadow clones as they tried to get the bell. Kakashi didn't move but then a flash went by pass them. Kakashi wondered what it was but not realising that the bell was missing. Kakashi looked around and saw that neither of them had the bell. Your shadow clones and you say" looking for this? " You helded it up and shook it as it made jiggle sound. Everyone looked at you as your shadow clones disappeared.

Kakashi nods and says" well done (M/n) I don't know how you did it but well done." He gets up and says " (M/n) you deserve ramen as a reward." You look at Naruto as his stomach growls. You chuckle and says" okay I'll pay for all of us for ramen." Naruto shouts" you're awesome (M/n)."

You all walk to the Ramen shop. You sit there next to Sasake and Naruto sit on the other side next to you as well. You go order the Ramen and pay for it as well.

*later on *

You got up and walked home. "Hey (M/n) wait up will you!" You turned to see it was Sasake running after you. You say" want me to walk you home? " He nods. You chuckle at the way his cheeks were turning red.

You and Sasake start to have a conversation cause you both basically grew up together and he was more open with you. As you got to his house.

(M/n)'s Pov *

We get to Sasake's place and He says " today you were great, I can't believe how you got the bell. Kakashi's face was priceless when he realised that the bell was missing. " I chuckle and say " yeah it was..." I look at him as our eyes met. Sasake says" (M/n) I want you to know that I like you more than just friends. And I think I'm in love with you...." I place my lips on his and kiss him. I pulled away and says " I like you too and I'm in love with you too." He smiles as I hug him tightly. I say " here I want you to have the bell so that you know I only have eyes for you, Sasake." Sasake takes the bell and nods. I peck his lips and say" see you tomorrow, I love you " I walk away as he says " I love you too (M/n)" and walks in.

I walk home. As I walk, I hear footsteps and movement amongs the trees and bushes. I try to sense but I sensed no chakra. I shake my head and says " it was just one of the animals that I heard. I must of gave them a fright. " I walk on but then all of a sudden I got knocked out and fell down to the ground unconscious. Someone picked me up and placed me over there shoulder and took me into the forest as they disappeared with me.

*next morning*

Sasake, Sakura and Naruto come to my house..

Normal Pov *

Naruto shouts " hey (M/n) wake up or else you gonna be late for training. " No answer came, it was dead silent. They look at each other and go to knock on your door. Naruto shouts " (M/n)!?" Still no answer.

Sasake says " maybe he didn't wait for us and went on without us." Sakura says " that's not like (M/n) to go on without us " Naruto nods and says" maybe he is already with Kakashi Sensei and busy training." Sakura says " then let's go see " They ran to the training ground and saw Kakashi but not you.

Kakashi looked at them and asked " where is (M/n)?" Naruto looks at Kakashi and says " we thought he was with you already cause there is no one at his house. " Kakashi looked at them with a raised eyebrow and says" maybe he went to eat some ramen before coming here." They nod and went to the Ramen shop and saw you weren't there.

Naruto says "where could he be ? " Kakashi says " let's separate into two pairs and go look for him. Sakura you with me. Sasake and Naruto you are a pair. Now let's go " They searched the entire leaf village looking for you but no luck. They meet up again Kakashi says " we had no luck, how about you two?" Naruto says " we have no luck either Kakashi Sensei ." Kakashi says " let's go inform Tsunade about (M/n)."

They go to Tsunade and Naruto says " Lady Tsunade (M/n) is no where to be found. He isn't anywhere in the leaf village. Please we have to find him." Tsunade looks at them and says " I will send out a search party and I want you Kakashi to lead them. " Naruto says " we want to help too." She looks at him and says" you know you ain't well trained yet to go out there. I can't risk it. You will stay here while they are searching for (M/n)..." Naruto says " but Lady Tsunade, he is our friend and we are trained..." She looks at Kakashi and he says " I believe they are ready Lady Tsunade. I will keep an eye on them." She nods as they bow.

Kakashi leads the search party to the entrance of the leaf village. Kakashi looked at them and said " it's best if we split up into groups of ten people. Kakashi looked at Naruto, Sasake, Sakura, Rock-lee, Hinata and Neji. He says " you guys are with me."

They start the search for you. They searched day and night...

7 years later...

They all grown up now and they haven't stop looking for you. The search party had stopped searching but Naruto, Sasake, Sakura and the rest of your friends haven't stopped searching for you.

Kakashi says " Naruto we have to go on with our training cause (M/n) is no where to be found and he must be dead by now." Naruto looks at Kakashi and says " Don't say that! He is very much alive I believe it." Sakura says " Naruto he was no where to be found, have been searching for him for years now and they say he must be dead by now...We have to move on with our lives." Naruto growl, Sasake becomes cold and heartless since you went missing.

Kakashi says " Naruto, (M/n) would of wanted us to become stronger and is probably watching over us right...."

Meanwhile, somewhere else. You were asleep in a water capsule hooked up to different machines that was take your heart beats per second and for oxygen to put air into your lungs as you breath. They says" he is not yet ready but after these last few tests he will become the ultimate killing machine. He will be...The Killer Wolf and nothing can kill him."

As they celebrate....Your eyes open and glow neon (E/c)...

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Author : hi readers I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please forgive me, I haven't watched Naruto in a long time. Please let me know what you think of this story by commenting. And don't worry I will rewatch Naruto over just so I don't forget anything else. Please do comment and vote.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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