Everyone is after the ultimate ninja

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* five years later *

Normal Pov *

Everybody from the the leaf village were on a mission to find you but had no luck cause nobody could find you or catch you because you were to fast for them to even lay a finger on you. Meanwhile you were doing what Madara told you to do, destroy village and kill people who got in your way. You were unstoppable and you had no emotions because Madara made you emotionless.

* back at the leaf village *

Kakashi was at Lady Tsunade's office. Kakashi says " I think we should give up on finding (M/n) and let him come to us." Tsunade says " I think you are right Kakashi, make sure everyone is ready when we get attacked by Madara." Kakashi says " we will be ready waiting for him to come."

Meanwhile, Naruto was sitting in his house looking at a picture of him and you when you guys were younger. He smiled at the photo and says " why can't we be like we were when we were younger?".

Meanwhile, you were watching and listening to Kakashi and Tsunade's conversation. You made your way back to Madara. As you entered, Madara looks at you and ask" so what is the Leaf village planning? " You say " they are planning to have all their ninjas everywhere so when you attack them they will capture you. " He smirks and says " thank you Ultimate Ninja and here's what you will do...." he whispers the rest in your ear. You say" I will do so." He says " now I want you to do something for me go find Sasuke and bring him to me, don't kill Sasuke but whoever is in your way, kill!" You leave and look for the Akatsuki hideout. You found it in a matter of seconds.

You watched as they were talking. Itachi says " I can't believe that they didn't find that idiot, (M/n) but he must be dead by now." You jump and land perfectly on the ground. They turned to look at you. You say" you have two choices either give me Sasuke and you will live or refuse and die" they stand ready but within a few seconds, they were all on the ground. You take Sasuke and made your way to Madara. You place Sasuke down in front of Madara. You walked and stood there as Madara says " thank you" you bow and lean against the wall. Sasuke says " what do you want Madara? " He says " I just wanted to see you so how do you like my Ultimate Ninja?" Sasuke looks at you and he says " isn't that (M/n)?" Madara say "yes it was (M/n) but (M/n) is dead and My ultimate ninja is born. Ultimate Ninja show Sasuke why I call you that "

You nod and your thirteen tailed wolf aura starts to surround you as you stand ready to fight Sasuke. Sasuke looks at you and remembered what you did with Naruto. He growls and attacked you but his attacks never caught you. You were so fast as a cheetah that he didn't see you coming. Sasuke was on the ground hissing in pain. Madara smiles and says " thank you Ultimate Ninja." Your aura disappeared and you helped Sasuke up. Sasuke says " I see why he is the Ultimate Ninja. " Madara nods and says " okay Sasuke, I want to know if you will join me and fight with me or unless you don't want to join and Ultimate Ninja will kill you in a blink of an eye. " Sasuke looks at him and at you and says " I will join." You walk to your room cause Madara gave you a room to stay in. Sasuke walks pass your room. Sasuke was about to open the door to his room, he walks to your door and he knocked. You softly say " Come in " Sasuke comes in and sees you laying down on your bed. You get up as Sasuke stands there and says softly "(M/n) is it really you?"

(M/n)'s Pov *

I sigh and nod. Sasuke says " but you responded when Madara called you 'Ultimate Ninja' " I say " I have to cause he will kill me" Sasuke looks away and walks towards the door. I say " Sasuke wait!" He stops and I get up and walked up to him. He turns around as I was in front of him. I shut the door and locked it. I say " Sasuke, I'm sorry about everything...I didn't mean to hurt you like that" I look away Sasuke takes my face and makes me look at him as he says " I forgave you cause I can't stay mad at you and seen what you went through, I could tell by your scars" I don't smile cause all my emotions were gone. I say " I'm sorry Sasuke." And hugged him as he hugged me back. I let go of him but then he kissed me and I was shocked at first but then I slowly melt into the kiss.

I pull away and says " So can we start over?" He nods as I pick him up in a bridal style and lay him down on my bed. I climbed over him and laid next to him as he moved his head onto my chest. I place my arm around him as he fell asleep. I kissed his forehead before going to sleep.

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and vote

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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