The nightmare

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Normal Pov *

* 2 months pass *

You sitting there in chains cause you knew that they were going to either kill you or give you grace but you doubted that they will give you grace. They open the jail door and say" today is your last day to live." As they take you out.

You come out into the daylight as it shine on your now paled skin. They bring you to Tsunade's office. They take you in as you saw Kakashi and Tsunade look at you. Tsunade says " thank you you guys may leave. " they bow and leave. Kakashi took the handcuffs and chains off you.

You look at them. Tsunade says " you look a bit for familiar to me " you look at her and say " I don't know you." Kakashi says " You do but Tsunade we have to decide whether or not that he deserves life or not. " She nods and say " okay Kakashi you can make the final decision for him ."

Kakashi looked at you and says " I believe that he can get a second chance of life cause there is something about him." You look at him as you didn't expect that. She looks at me and asked " you won't of expect that now." You say" I don't deserve it " as you looked down. Kakashi says " I know you deserve it (M/n)" your head shot up and asked " how do you know my name? " Kakashi says " I could tell by your eyes as I looked at your picture. " he holds it up and continue" this is you (M/n) cause I could tell by the way you used shadow clones jitsu".

You sigh and say " I remember only that jitsu cause lost my memory years ago." Tsunade says " then let us help you regain your memory and when you are ready to tell us where the Akatsuki were hiding the scrolls" you nod. Kakashi say " okay (M/n) you must be staving." You chuckle and says " I swear I can eat a whole Ox." Kakashi chuckled.

Kakashi takes you to the Ramen shop. He buys you ramen and you start to eat all of the ramen. Kakashi says " I see you are so hungry " you just nod and continue to eat. You finish eat when Kakashi goes pay for it. He comes to you and says " I think I should take you home so you can rest cause tomorrow we have training to do." You nod as you get up. Kakashi walks you to your old home. You go in and look around and see pictures of that same little boy. You say" thank you Kakashi " He nods as he leaves. You explore the house and you see things that you don't remember you having.

* Night *

You decided to go shower before going to sleep. As you turn on the shower, you slowly get undressed. You step into the shower. You look down at all your scars wondering what happened to you even though they said that you were in a accident. You watched as the water ran down your body.

~A few minutes later~

You got out of the shower. You went to put on your boxers. You go lay down on your bed. You looked around and say" why can't I remember anything about how I ended up at the laboratory, Madara's laboratory." You turn to your side and slowly drift off to sleep. As you slept, you started to have a flash back of a memory but it was a nightmare.

*Nightmare begins*

You were walking home from Sasuke's house. You heard footsteps and movement amongs the trees and bushes. You stop and looked there and try to sense their chakra but there was no one.

He wears his heart safety pinned to his backpack
His backpack is all that he knows
Shot down by strangers whose glances can cripple the heart and devour the soul

You say" it was just one of the animals that I must of given a fright." You walk on but was knocked out by someone and they carried you into the forest. As they went out of the village with you, you slowly regain consciousness and saw you were been carried away.

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