It was just a dream...

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Normal Pov *

You wake up in the middle of the night. You look around as you feel your whole body and saw it was your room and say" it was all just a dream." you get up and look at yourself in the mirror and say " oh thank goodness, I'm still eighteen years old. In that dream I felt older" you walked to the bathroom and washed your face. You look around the place and say" Wait!! wasn't by Naruto?" You ran downstairs and looked on the couch and saw no blonde spikey hair. You unlock the door and went outside. You turned around and saw your house back in good condition.You sigh and say " am I dreaming? Cause I remembered that Madara destroy my house" you pinched yourself. You yell " Ouch! I'm not dreaming, this is real." You went back into your house and closed the door.You sat down on the couch and sigh with relief. You sat up til morning breaks.

(M/n)'s Pov *

Morning broke and I got done. I made me breakfast. After I finished my breakfast, I sat on the couch and say " man, why did I have that dream?" I look at my family picture of me and my mother. I get a flash back of a woman stand with her back to me in the dream. I sat up and say " why did you save me? Who are you?...." but then a voice that I thought I would never have heard" Hey (M/n), get your ass out here!" I jumped up in shock and say" Naruto? Is that really you?" " who else would it be, you idiot? " I walked toward the door and open the door to find a Naruto stand with his arms folded looking at me.

I say " hey Dude, what is going on? " "Huh? Are you serious? You know we have to go to train with Kakashi" I say " training? " He says " Did you hit your head when you woke up?" I say " no I didn't you idiot! " I shake my head and say " no I'm dreaming this is not happening " He says " should I pinch you to see if you are dreaming?" As he smirks.

I say" I dare you and this will be your last day you live" with my glare that made him turn white. I say " Good let's get going! " As I walked on. Naruto says " hey wait up (M/n)" I continued to walk and then I got a sense of someone watching me, I stopped as I turned to see where it was but there was no one there. " hey are you okay? " Naruto asked me. I say " did you get a sense of someone watching you?" Naruto says " Nope why?" I shook my head and say " Nevermind, let's go" As we walk on.

Third POV*

I watched as (M/n) walk on with Naruto and I followed him. I whisper " Finally, you have awoken. I am so happy to see you well, (M/n)".

(M/n)'s Pov *

As we got there, Kakashi says " what took you guys so long? Training started an hour ago" I say " sorry Sensei, Naruto wanted to stop to eat amen." Naruto says " hey, I didn't have breakfast idiot so would you blame me being hungry?" I sigh and say " you and your stomach" Kakashi says " okay let's get started." We sat down. As Kakashi taught us, I got that feeling again and turned my head around and saw a figure wearing a hood.

I growl as I got up and say" Hey!" As the figure started to run. I say" Get back here!" Kakashi says " (M/n)!!" I continued to run after them and tried to catch up to whoever it was. I say" hey wait stop! I need to ask you something!" They stopped and did jitsu that I only hear about that was legendary. They disappeared. I growl as I punched the wall and say" Damn it! " Naruto says as he tried to catch his breath " hey what is with you?" I turned around and say" someone is following me, I don't know how and why they are but they know something that is to do with me, I have to find out why they are."

I was about to run off to go find this person then.." (M/n) (L/n), you are coming with me to Lady Tsunade" I look to see Kakashi next to me and has me by the collar. Kakashi pulls me to Lady Tsunade's office. As we walk to her office, Kakashi says " (M/n), please can you tell me what is going on with you? " I say " I don't know myself. One minute I'm captured by Madara, working for him as his ultmate weapon and then the next I woke up back in my house and to find out that I've been followed by a figure that had something to do with it." I tried to get out of his grip but it was no use, Kakashi had a strong grip.

Kakashi says " (M/n) what are you talking about? You have been a coma for months and only woke up from it two days ago " I look at him with a raised eyebrow and say " What!? I was in a coma? How?" Kakashi says " well let's just say that you had no control of your thirteen tails wolf" I say" so everything was just a dream?" Kakashi nods. I sigh and say"umm Sensei, do you get the feeling that you been watched? " Kakashi says " no I don't why you ask?" I say " that was stupid of me to ask, forget I asked". We walk to Tsunade's office. After a while, I went back to training.

As I trained with everyone, I got that feeling again and turned around to see. As I looked around, I saw no one there. I went back to my training. After all my training, Naruto and I went to go eat some Ramen. I say" hey Naruto? " Naruto says " yeah?" I say " was I in a coma? " He says " yes for eight months" I say " eight months?" He nods as the ramen comes.

We start to eat Ramen. After the ramen, we walk towards Naruto's house. As we walked along the road, Naruto takes my hand. I think ' I was in a coma for so long that the only memory I have is of that woman who saved me....who was she??'

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Author : hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry I took forever to update this story. If you enjoyed it then you know exactly what to do ;)

Stay Awesome Guys;)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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