Your Mission To Regain Your Past

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Normal Pov *

You opened your eyes and looked all around you. You see people celebrating. You wonder why you are in water and why they are celebrating. You look down to see that you were tied down and had cords all over your body. You look back at them. They see you awake and come towards you. You hear them say" our weapon has awaken from it's sleep over the pass seven years." They slowly open the capsule as the water drained out of it.

You look at them. They say " Hello (M/n) ,that is your name" you look at them and think to yourself ' my name? (M/n)? Where am I? who are these people?' They say" you have been asleep over seven years ". You think' I was asleep for seven years? '

They untie you and take all the cords that was attached to your body. You look at your arms and at yourself into tinted window. You were more muscular and your hair grew long. You looked around and slowly spoke by asking "" They say " Madara's laboratory " you ask" what am I?" They say" you were brought here when you were ten years old cause you got injured in an accident." You look for scars on your body but there was a scar across your eight pack by you stomach and all over your body but not so much scars.

You ask " did I die?" They say " no you were alive when they brought you. " you growl as you punch the window broken as you ask with a deep anger toned voice " then why don't I remember anything about my past?" They try to calm you down but you push them away making them flying back into the wall.

They say" you lost your memory when you were unconscious from your accident." You look at them and say " then why am I here?" They say " you are our new weapon in taking over the whole world."

You snapped when they said that you were a 'weapon'. You fought them but they knocked you out as you fell to the ground. They locked you up and made sure that you only follow what they tell you and make you emotionless.

*A month later *

Kakashi is busy training Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and the others. They finished training. Rock-lee says" hey guys did you hear about this mysterious attacks happening all over destroying villages." Kakashi says " I've heard about them that's why I'm training you guys to be stronger when they do decide to attack our village we will be ready waiting for them." Naruto says " yes Kakashi Sensei they don't stand a chance against us..." Sasuke looks away without saying a word.

They go back to training. Sasuke gets up and walks away.

Sasuke's Pov *

I walk away cause I didn't want training. I couldn't stand being around them especially that dobe cause he kept bringing up (M/n)'s name whenever he felt like. As I walk home, I stop by my door and take the bell out of my pocket. I start to remember.

*flash back *

(M/n) say" here I want you to have the bell so that you know I only have eyes for you, Sasuke."

*flash back ends *

I grip tightly on it and say" I will find you (M/n)"


You are standing up on a hill watching the laboratory burn down in flames. 'The picture above is how you look as you stand and watch the laboratory go up in flames.'

You run into the forest and go find an abandoned building to stay in cause you had no where else to go. You sit there as you look at the sunset.

*Night time *

You are laying on the grass as you look up at the moon and stars. You can't remember anything about your past. You wanted to know who you were seven years ago.

* next day *

*at the leaf village*

Naruto and Kakashi is busy training while Sakura trains with Sasuke. Tsunade comes with Gaara and she says" Kakashi, I need to speak with you it's urgent." Kakashi nods and follows Tsunade.

Gaara stands there. Naruto says " hey Gaara what brings you to our village? " Gaara says " our village was attacked by the Akatsuki." Sasuke's eyes go wide cause he knew his brother was part of the Akatsuki. Naruto looks at Sasuke and says " Hey teme what's on your mind? " Sasuke looks at him and say " nothing you dobe."

He walks away. Naruto ask" so what happened? " Gaara says " it happened all last night when the Akatsuki tried to destroy our village. I recognised them but there was another person with them that looked different to them cause that person had glowing neon reddish and sliver eyes and (H/c) that a piece covered the (left or right) side of their face. Their mouth was covered. " Naruto says " so did you fight against them?" Gaara says " yes but that person was too quick for us to lay a finger on them. While we were fighting the Akatsuki, the person destroyed half of our village." Naruto says " oh so that's why you here cause you need our help. " as he smiled. Gaara sighs and turns around.

Sasuke walks away and leaves the training grounds. Sasuke start to wonder who it could be.

* Night *


Itachi is with the rest of the Akatsuki clan. Kisame says " yesterday was great...Thanks to our new member, (M/n)" you nod as you just sit there next to Itachi. Tobi says" Tobi is happy to have (M/n)." Deidara says " tomorrow night we plan to attack the leaf village. Itachi says " please don't harm Sasuke cause I want him to come join us." you look Itachi and ask" who Is Sasuke? " Kisame says " Sasuke is Itachi's brother." You nod but something clicks in your memory.

You get up and go to your room. You close the door and you feel your head is paining and fall onto your bed and as you feel like someone is banging your head in. You decided to sleep it off.


They are enjoying themselves. Kisame says " I can't wait for tomorrow night...." Itachi says" we must take the important scrolls that they are keeping locked away."

* next morning *

*at the leaf village *

Naruto was on the training ground with everyone else. Kakashi was reading his book as they trained.

After training, they all went to the Ramen shop. Naruto was about to put a piece of ramen in his mouth. He start to remember about you.

*flash back *

(M/n) looks at Naruto as his stomach growls. (M/n) chuckle and says" okay I'll pay for all of us for ramen. " Naruto says " You're awesome (M/n)"

*flash back ends *

Naruto smiles and says softly " I haven't forgotten about you, (M/n)." Sasuke looks at him and asked " did you say something Dobe?" Naruto looks at Sasuke and says " it's not your business Teme." They growl at each other.

Kakashi says " guys, I think we should train some more cause the Akatsuki might come attack the leaf village sooner or later." They all nod as they get up to go back to the training ground.


You and the Akatsuki are standing in the trees near the leaf village. You watch them as they leave the shop. Itachi says " (M/n) you seen what they all look like so when we attack you can avoid them easily and retrieve the scrolls, they would keep it somewhere safe. " You say " leave that to me Itachi, I know how I will get it." You and the Akatsuki leave.

Kakashi went to Tsunade and spoken with her. Naruto and everyone else was training.

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Author : hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and yes you are part of the Akatsuki. Don't worry, I'm already busy on the third chapter. So please do comment and vote. I love your comments it gives me inspiration to write more. Thank you ;)

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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