Rule Number One

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Chapter Twenty

Rule Number One

(Playlist – Dirty Deeds by Joan Jett & Hey! by e.via feat Double Trouble and basik)

The first part of the story was written especially for TheoneRae. I hope you like it!! The original obstacle course was in a fanfic I had read. So thank you leanneps3 for your amazing story. As always thank you to Jen who is always available to let me bug her with silly questions and torment with tidbits of info and threats of death (to fictional characters).

Luke's POV:

God that voice had reminded me so much of Volto, but there was something familiar about it. Just what we would need, a Volto copycat in the middle of a war. Victor said he was contacting everyone else. I sure hoped he hurried. I pulled up and Ji was right behind me.

"The place looks dilapidated. Did Victor give you the right coordinates?"

I looked at the phone again. "Yeah, this is the right place. Let's go inside. I have a weird feeling about all this." We both walked in ready to fight. I gave hand signals to go right and I was going left. We both met back in the middle as the first level was completely empty. I heard something rock on the second floor. It was soft, but enough. He heard it as well, and started quietly up the steps. I received a text from the unknown number: Five Minutes!

"Ji. Look!" I showed him the phone. Stealth was gone, "Sang, North, Silas!"

"Sang! North! Silas!" Ji shouted as well.

We continued through the second level. As we reached the end, a glow caught my eye. "Ji, I think I found something." There was a solid door, but a little bit of artificial light filtering through the top. The door would not open as it was locked. I pulled out my lock picks, as did he. I wanted to laugh, but it wasn't the time for it. Thankfully it was a simple pick. When we opened the door, I was not really prepared for what I saw. All three of them were gagged and tied as we saw in the picture. In the center of them was a bomb with a timer. But it was connected to them. We ran to them trying to get rid of the binds. The timer was down to three and a half minutes.

"Luke, it's connected to them by a collar. See? It looks like if we pull them away with the collar, the bomb will go off. You work on disarming the bomb, I will work on the collars."

"Get Sang out first. Where is the crazy Russian when you need him?" Time was running down quick.

"Got her, I am going to take her out of here." He scooped Sang up and carried her out. He was back within thirty seconds. "Where are we on time?"

"Two minutes and fifteen seconds."

"You good Luke? I'll take the hit, you have a family to take care of."

"Ji, family isn't about blood. Work on those collars." He got back to work even quicker, releasing North about forty-five seconds later. "One and a half minutes left. Get North untied." Ji did as I said without qualm, and then they both started working on Silas. "I can't get the bomb, it's a lost cause."

"I have the collar undone. Help me get them. They are too heavy for me alone."

You could hear the clock audibly speed up as we tried to reach the exit of the room. We pushed both North and Silas under us as the explosion happened.


I waited for heat, pain, debris falling... something! Instead I got laughter from North, and Silas's body moving as he was laughing internally. I removed the gag from Silas, and he started laughing his a** off. "What the hell guys?"

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