Nanase Haruka x Reader <Christmas Party>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot. Enjoy! I know it's not Christmas but couldn't find another occasion.
Music was blasted to the maximum volume and blinding lights flashed. Everyone was having their time of their lives at ___'s house.

She was considered a rich kid at her school. So her house could accommodate many people. She was also asked to invite some of her friends.

The party became too overwhelming so ___ decided to take a break and headed outside to the pool in her backyard.

Not expecting anyone else there, ___ screamed in surprised and shock when she saw Nanase Haruka at the side of the pool.

"___, may I swim inside?" Haruka asked as he pointed to the pool. ___ nodded but tilted her in question. 'Does he even have his swim suit?' She thought.

"Haruka, would you want to borrow a swim-" ___ sentence was cut short when Haruka started to strip and plunged into the water.


Feeling her face burning up, ___ intended to move to another place but Haruka's figure gliding through the water captivated her eyes, resulting in her frozen at her spot, feet rooted to the ground.

'He kinda reminds me of a fish...?'
Sry if it was short. Haha! Dunno if this was good or not. Hope you enjoyed reading! Pls comment on how I can improve my writing. Thanks!


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